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2 Againjt the Rulers of the great , and fo poore to God and beggarly in their foules. Areyou rich ? Labour for the knowledge of the molt high. Solomon had moreof the worlds treafure then a thoufand ofyou have, and yet we finde him hard at prayer, tugging with God for knowledge, i chron. 0. All thefe outward enjoyments are but vagihee 1?onorum,as afflictions are vagina malorum. I am afraid many men think themfelves priviledged by their worldly greatneffe from this duty, as ifGodwere bound to lave them, becaufe rich, Alas,Sirs,there are not fo many of you like to come there. I muff confeffe, it would make one tremble to think what a fmall number thofe among the great ones that shall be Paved , are lummed up into. Not manygreat,not many rich; Why fo few laved? Becaufe fo few have laving knowledge. 0 the Atheifine, the ignorance, the fottifh barbarirme that is to be found even in thole that the world applaud, and even worfhip becaufe of their lands and eflates,who yet are not able to give any account of their faith? A poore leather-coat Chriftian will shame and catechize a hundred of thern. , Ifheaven were to be purchafed with houfe and lands, then thefe Would carry it a- way from the poore Difciples ofjefus. Chriff , they have their hundreds and thoufands . by them for a ptirchafe alwayes, but this money is not currant in heavens exchange. Thin is Itfe eternal, to know thee,and 7eftos Chril ',whom thou haft fent. But howmay an ignorant Cottle attaine to knowledge? Pith , Be deeply affeeted with the ignorance. Some are blind, as Lea dscea,and know it not. Ray.3. t7. As Ignorance blinds the minde fo pride is a blind before their ignorance,that they know it nor. There have filch a high opinion of themfelves,that they take it ill any fhould lufpeci. them as fuch; thefe of all men are molt out of the way, to knowledge they are too good to !came ofman as they think , and too bad to be taught of God. The gate into Chrifi Schoole is low, and there cannot {loop: The Mailer himfelfe is fo humble and lowly, that he will not teach a proud Scholar. Therefore firs} become a foole in thy owne eye. Awifer man then thy felfe bath confined as much, Prov.30.2, 3. l ammore brutifh then any man,ano) have not the tan trIerflanding ofa man. Ineither learnedWifdome, nor have the inott- ledge of the Holy. When thou art come to thy felfe to owne and blunt at the brutifh ignorance of thy minded thou art fit to be f9teefl. An/w.