darkne e of this World. 243 be admitted into Chrifls School. lf they be ajhamed, then fhew them the patterne of the hoofe,Ezek.43.to. Secondly, be faithful with that little knowledge thou haft. ' 2. Art thou convinced this is a finne and that is a duty ? Fol- low the light clofe, you know not what this little may grow to ; We ufe to let up our children with a little flock at &Pt, and as they ufe it,fo we adde. The Kingdome ofGod comes of final! beginnings. God complains of ifrael,they were bra- tifh in their knowledgejer.10.14. he doth not fay brutifh in their ignorance, had they finned becaufe they did not know better, this would have excufed Canto, but they did that which, was brutifh and unreafonable , as their worfhiping graven images notwithflanding they knew to the contrary. That man (hall not excel in knowledge who proftitutes it to finne, lob 36.1 2. If they obey not,theyfhallperifh by the ['word, and that/die without knowledge. A candle p,mt up clofe in a dark lanthorn,fwailes out apace : and fo doth light Phut up in the confcience , and nor fuffered to come forth in the con. verfation. Thole Heathens that are charged for holding the truth in unrighteoufneffe, Rem 08. the next news you hear of them is, that they became vain in their imagination.% , and their foolifh heart *at darkned,ver,21. Thirdly, ply the throne of grace. Tene oraTe eft bene nu- &life; he is the belt ftudent in divinity, that fludies molt up- on his knees.. Knowledge is a divine gift all light is from heaven. God is the Father of light, and prayer puts the foule under thepupillage of God. if any one lack.witdom,let him ask it of god. This is more then naked knowledge, wit-dome how' to ufe it. Study may make one a great Scholar in the Scri- ptures, but prayer makes a wife Chriftian, as it obtains fancii- fied knowledge, without which it is no perfect} gift, but cUipo, dcPwfov , a gift and no gift. Pray then with an humble bold- neffe, God gives it to all that ask, and that ct7TA.05, candidly, liberally ; not like proud man who will rather put one to fhame who is weak for his ignorance , then take the paines to teach him. Thy perition is very pleating toGod. Remember how Solomon fped upon the like occafion, and promife thy fell the fame fucceffe. Chrifls School is a free School ; he denies none that come to him, fo they will fubmit to the orders of the I i z School; 3.