Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

44 Againfi the Rulers of the School ; and though all have not an anfwer in the fame de. gree of knowledgc (it is not needful that all fhould be Solomon, in knowledge, except all were to be Soionoont in place ) yet the meaneft difciple that Chrift fends forth (hall be furnifhed with Caving knowledge, enough to fit him for his admittance into heavens Academy. Thou JTnitguide me with thy comnfel,and after bring me to glory. Fourthly, thou mull bellow Come time for thy diligent fearch after *truth. Truth lies deep, and mutt be digged for.Since man was turned out of Paradife he can do nothing without labour, except finne (this follows his hand indeed ) but this treafure of knowledge calls for fpade and Mattock. We are bid fearch the Scripture, and Dan.T Z. 4. .Many jball runne to and fro and knowledge fh,all be encreafed; a Metaphor fromMerchants , who beftirre themlelves to get an efface , runne to and fro , fitft in one land, then in another, where-ever they hear ofany thing to be got,thither they poft , though to the ends of the earth: Thus muff the foul runne from one duty to another, one while read,and anon meditate of what he bath read, then pray over his meditations, and aske counfel after all. What is the mean- ing of this, and how underftand you that? 'Non (chola Epicuri fecit magnos viros fed contubernium. There is more light got fometimes by a fhort conference with the Preacher, then by his whole Sermon. Be lure thou compare all the means for knowledge within the walk of thy endeavour. In this thy fearch for knowledge obferve three things. Firft, the end thou propofefl that it be pure and holy,not meerr ly to know, as fome do, who labour for knowledge,as many for eflates, and when they have got it look on their notions , as they on their bags of money, but have not a heart to ufe their knowledge for their own or others good ; this is a fore evil'. Speculative knowledge like Rachel is faire, but barren. Not to be known and admired by others for thy fiature in know- ledge above thy Brethren, verily it is too bale an end to aime at in feeking knowledge, efpecially fuck as is the knowledge of God and Chrift. l o fee a Heathen fiudy for knowledge in Philofophy,and then carry all*his labour to this rnarker,and think himfelf rewarded with obtaining the name for a wife man , is though hafe,yet more tolerable : but for one that knows God, and