darkneffi of this World. 245 and what it is to enjoy h;mfor filch a one to content himfelf with a blaft or tvvo of forty mans vain breath, this is folly with a witneffe look thou filth higher in thy end then fo. La- bour for knowledge that thou Fri 'yell fear God whom thou knowefi, thus David, Pfal. a 19. 3 Teach me, 0 Lord, the reay of:by flatute.r,and I (hall keep it unto the end. The Word ofGod is called a light unto our feet, not to our tongues meerly to talk of, but feet to walk bv;Endeavour for itlnot that thoumay'ft fpread thy ovvn name , but celebrate Gods As David promi- feth, when he underflands the precepts of God , then he will talk of his wondrous works, he will trumpet the fame of them, and thereby awaken others to enquire after God. Secondly, when thy end is right let, then thou muff be z, conflant in thy endeavour after it. The mylleries of Chrifl are not learnt in a day. Then/hal/ we IoW, if rre fatal); on to knots' the Lord, Hof. 6. 3. Some are in a good mood ( may be) and they will look into the Bible, and read a chapter or two, and away they go for a week,and never praetife it more;like Tome boyes if at School one day truant all the week after : is it any wonder fuch thrive not in knowledge ? It is a good fp:ech of Bernard,TantstnMat Radium it , qsanturn amicitia ab hofpitio, focialii affeelio a fortuity falutatione. The ftudy of the Word,and the reading of it differs as much, as the friendfhip.i of fuch who every day converfe lovingly together, doth from the acquaintance one path with a flranger at an Inne, or whom he falutes as he paffeth by in the flreet. Ifyou will get know- ledge indeed, you mull not onely falute the Word now and then, but walk with it, and enter into daily converfe with it. The three men (who were indeed Angels) that flood by eel-. hrabatn, as he fat at his Tent-door, were referved, and firange, till iibrahana invited them into his Tent, and entertain'd them friendly ; and then Chrifl who was one among them (as appears by the Name ?ehovah given him in feveral verfes, and alfo by what he promifed he would do for Sarah, ver. io. not what God would do, which if a created Angel he would ) begins to difcover himfelf to efbraham and reveale his fecrets to him. That foul above others fhall be acquainted with the fecrets, of God in his Word , that doth not (lightly read the Word, and as it were complement with it at his tentcloore, i but