246 Afgainfl the Rulers of the but defires more intimacy with it, and therefore entertaines it within his foul by frequent medicating of it. David compares the Word for fweetneffe to the honey and the honey-combeindeed it is fo full, that at firft reading fome fweetneffe will now and then drop from it, but he that cloth not preffe it by medita7 tion, leaves the molt behinde. Thirdly, Be lure thou takeft the right order and method. Arts and Sciences have their rudiments , and alto their more ab- rade and deep notions; and fure the right end to begin at, is firft to learn the principles : he (we fay) is not like to make a good Scholar in the Univerfity that never waegood GrammarScholar. And they cannot be folid Chriftiani that are not inftruded in the grounds of Chdlianity. The want of - this is the caufe why many are fo unfledfaft,Firft , of this way and then of that , blown like glaffes into any fhape, as falfe Teachers pleafe to breath. .6,Ias, they have no center to draw their lines from ; think it no difgrace you who have runne into error, and loft your felves in the labyrinths of deep points (which now are the great difcourfe of the weakeft profef- fors) to be fet back to learn the firft principles of the Oracles ofGod better ; too many are as Tertullian faith in another cafe, pudoris mug's! memores guano falutis , more tender of their re- puration,th-en their falvation, who are more afhamed to be thought ignorant, then careful to have it cured. 5: Fifthly,tf thouwouldft attain to divine knowledge, wait on the Miniftery of the Word. As for thofe who neglea this,and come not where the Word is Preacht, they do like one that should turn his back on the Sunne that he may fee it ; if thou wouldft knowGod come where he bath appointed thee to learn. Indeed, where the meaner is not , God hath extraordi- nary wayes, as a Father,if no School in Town, will teach his childe at home, but if therebe a publickSchool,thither he fends him : Godmaketh roanifefi (faith Paul)the favour of hit knowledgeby to in every p/ace,2Cor.2.4. Let men talk of the Spirit what they pleafe. He will at fall be found a quencher of the Spirit,that is ,a defpiferofProphecy ; they both (landdole together , t 1 9,20. Qitench not the Sptrit.Derpife not Prophefying. But it is not enotigho fit under themeaw; Wofull experience teach- -aft us this, there are fome noSun will tan, they keep their old COM- =a11.19