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darkneffe of this World. 2 complexion under the molt fhining and burning light of the Word preached as ignorant and prophane as thofe that never lawGofpel-day ; and therefore if thou wilt receive any tuall advantage by the Word, take heed how thou heareff, Fir% Look thou beeft a wakefull hearer. Is it anywonder he lhould go away from the Sermon no wifer then he came, that Deeps thegreateft part of it away, or heares betwixt fleeping and waking ? It mull be in a dreame lure, if God reveales any thing of his mind to him, So indeed God did to the Fathers of old, but it was not as they prophanely flept under an Ordinance. 0 lake heed offuch irreverence. He that cornpofeth himfelfe to fleep ( as force do ) at fuch a time, or he that is not humbled for it; and that deeply; both of them betray a bale and low efteeme they haveof the Ordinance. Surely thou thinkell but meanly ofwhat is delivered , if it will not keep thee awake, yea, of God himfelfe, whole meffage it is. See how thou art reproved by the awfull carriage of a Heathen,and that a King. ehud did but fay to Eglon, l have a mefage from Goa unto thee, And he arofe out ofhis feate,7pidge 3.20. And thou clapeft downe on thy feat to fleep ' 0 how dared thou put fuch an affront upon the great God ? How oft did you fall afleep at dinner, or telling your money ? And is not the Word ofGod worth more then thefe ? I should wonder if fuch Sermonfleepers do dreame of any thing but hell-fire, 'fis dangerous you know to fall afleep with a candle burning by our fide ; fume have been fo burnt in their beds; but moredangerous to fleep while the candle of the Word is fhining fo neare us. What if you fbould finke downe dead like Eutychus? here is no Paid to raife you as he had; and that you V (hall not,where is your fecurity? Secondly, Thou muff be an attentive hearer. He that is a wake,but wanders with his eye or heart , what loth he but fleep with his eyes open ? It were as good the fervantf:Zehould be a- fleep in his bed , as when up,not to minde his Maftcrs bufineffe. When God intendsa foul good by the Word , he drawes fuch a one to liften and hearken heedfully to what is delivered ; as we fee in Lydia , Who ( 'tis laid ) attended unto the things which Were fpoken of Paul. And thole, Luke 19 48. The people were atten- tive to heare him. They did hang on him as you (hall fee Bees On force fweet flower, or as young, birds on the bills of their dam= 7