248 Againfl the Rulers of the datnmes as they feed them; that is the foul which (hall get light and life by the Word, Heareye children, and attend to knowon- derflanding, Prov.4.1. Labour therefore in hearing the Word to fixe thy quickfilver-minde, and let thy Celle to heare, as 'tis laid 3ehofaphat did topray; and that thou rnaieft , before thou go- eft,get thy heart into fome deep fenfe of thy fpirituall wants, e- fpecially of thy ignorance of the things of God , and thy de- ! plored condition by reafon of it ; till the heart be toucht , the minde will not be fixt, Therefore you may obferve,"tis Paid, clod open'd the heart ofLydia, that jhe attended, "Ws 16.14. The Minde goes of the Wits errand ; we fpend our thoughts upon what our hearts propofe. If the heart bath no fenfe of its ig- norance,or no.defires after God no wonder fuch a one linens not what thePreacher faith;his heart fends his mind another way. 7 key fit before theeas my people (faith God ) but their heart goetb After their covetoofnece ; They do not come out of fuch an in- tent or define to heare for any good to their foules then they would apply themfelves wholly to the work ; no, it is their co- vetoufneffe hath their hearts; and therefore as fome idle fervant, when he hath waited on his Mafteribrought him to his pew, then he goes out to his good fellowes at the Alehoufe, and comes no more till Sermon be almoft done : fo do the thoughts of molt when they go to the Ordinance, they flip out in the ftreet, mar ket or fhop,you may finde them any where but about the duty be- fore them,and all becaufe thefe have their hearts more then God and his Word. Thirdly , Thou trinQ be a retentive hearer without this the worke will ever be to begin againe. Truths to a forgetfull hear- er are as a feale let on water the impreflion lafts no longer then the feale is on ; the Sermon once done,and all is undone;be therefore very carefull to fallen what thou heareft on thy memo- ' ry;which thet thou maid' do, Firft , receive the truth in the love of it, An affeetionate hearer willnot be a forgetfull hearer. Love helpes the memory; Can a woman forget her childe or a maide her ornaments , or a bride her attire ? No, they love them too well : Were the truths of God thus precious to thee, thou woUldeft with Da- vid think of them day and night. Even when the Chriftian through weaknefie ofmemory cannot remember the very words lac