Againftfpiritualnit edneffe. ' to+t17 lif4)1+1,144+040140444144+Ict- CHAP. VI. Of the Spiritualityof the devils nature, and their- extreme wickedneffe. eArgitinfi fpiritttalwieWneire, He fe words are the fourth branch in the defeription, Spiri toal wickednefet, and our conteft or combate with themas fuch exprea by the adverfative particle [a,fgainfi ] in the Greek, 7rph Tet' ,73 7rovgelas word for word ; Againft the Spiritual., ofwickeetnefe, which is, fay fome, againfi n,icke.d rut ; that is true, but not all . I conceive with many Interpret- ers, not only the fpiritual nature of the devil, and the wicked- neffe thereof to be intended, but alfo, yea, chiefly the nature and kinde of thole fins, which thefe wicked fpirits do molt u- fually and vigouronfly provoke the Saints unto, and they are the fpirituals of wickedmffe, not thole groffe flefhly finnes, which the herd of beaflly (inners like (wine wallow in ; but fin fpirituallized, and this,becaufe it is not 72-pitipaTa, but nrstioany,0', not (pinks, but fpirituals. The words prefent us with thefe three doctrinal Conclufions. lira, the devils are fpirits. 2. Secondly, the devils are fpirits extremely wicked. 3, Thirdly, theft wicked fpirits do chiefly annoy the Saints with, and provoke them to fpiritual wickedneffes. Firft, of the firfi. SECT, I. Firft, they are fpirits. Spirit is a word of various acception in Scripture. Amongft other ufed often to fet forth the effence and nature of Angels good and evil, both which are called fpi- fits.