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2 5 2 Againfi fpiritualwicAedneffe. T. 3. Fourthly, they are, though entire fpiritual fubfiances, yet fi- nite, beingbut creatures. God only is the uncreated, infinite, and abfolutely fimple Spirit, yea. Father of all other fpi- rits. Now from this fpiritual nature of the devil, we may further fee what a dreadful enemy we have to grapple with. Firft, as fpirits they are of vet intelleOual abilities. sorry man, while in this dark prifon of the body, bath not light e- nough to knowwhat Angelical perfeetions ate; that they ex- cel in knowledge all other creatures we know, becaufe as Spi- , rits they come nearer} by Creation to the Nature of God that made them ; the heavens are not lift higher from the earth,then Angels by knowledge fromman, while on earth. Man by Art bath leatn't to take the height of the flarsofheaven, but where is he that can tell how far in knowledge Angels exceed man? 'Tis true, they have loft much of that knowledge they had, e - ven all their knowledge as holyAngels, what now -they know of God bath loft its favour, and they have no power to ,ule it for their own good. What Jude faith of wicked menmay be faid of them ; What they knewnaturally in theft things they cor- rupt themjelves. They knew the bolineffe of God, but love him not for it, as the Elea Angels do, and therafelves byCre. ation did. They know theevil of fin, and love it not the leffe; but though they are fuch fooles for themfelves, yet have fubtilty too much for all the Saints on Earth, if we had not a God to play our game for us. Secondly, as fpirits they are invifible , and their approaches alfo. They come and you fee not your enemy. Indeed this makes him fo little feared by the ignorant world, whereas it is his greateft advantage if rightly weighed. 0 ifmen have an ap- parition of the devil, or heare a noife in the night , they cry, The devil,the devil, and are ready to runne out of their wits for feare ; but they carry him in their hearts,and walk all the day long in his company , and fearehim not. When thy proud heart is clambering up to the pinacle of honour in thy ambiti- ous thoughts, who fits thee there but the devil ? When thy a- dulterous heart is big with all manner of uncleanneffe and fit. thineffe, who but Satan bath been there, begetting thefebrats on thy whorifh fpirit ? When thou art raging in thy palfion, throwing