Againfifpiritual wickedneff e. 253 throwing burningmales of wrath and fury about with thy in- flamed tongue, where was it fet on fire but of hell ? When thou are hurried like the twine into the precipice , and even choakt with thy own drunken vomit, who but the devil rides thee ? - Thirdly, as fpirits they are immortal. Of other enemies you 5 may hear news at laft that they are dead which fought thy life , as the Angel told 7efeph of Herod. Perfecuting men walk a turne or two upon the ftage, and are call'doff bydeath, and there is an end ofall their plots; but devils die not, they will hunt thee to thy grave, and when thou dieft they will meet thee in another world, toaccufe and torment thee there alfo. Fourthly , they are unwearied in their motions. When 4° the fight is over among men ; the Conquerour muff fit down and breathe and fo lofeth the chafe, becaufe not able to purfue it in time. Yea, fome have given over their Empires, as gluttedwith the blood of men , and weary of the work , when they cannot have their will as they defired e Thus 'Di°. cle(bin, becaufe he faw he did but mowe a medow, that grew the thicker for the cutting down (as Tertullian fpeaks of the Chri- flians martyred) he throws away his Scepter in a pet. Charlee the fifth did the like (fome fay) upon the fame reafon, becaufe he could not root out the Lutherans. But the devils fpirit is never cowed, nor he weary of doing mifchief, though heath never flood Hill fince firft he began his walk to and frolhe world. 0what would becomeof us ifa God were not at%ur hack, who is infinitely more the devils odds then he ours? P ' s ECT. Secondly, they are wicked fpirits; wicked in the abitraft , as in the Text, and call'd by way of eminency in fin, The zoickfel one, Mat.] 3.19. As God is called the holy one , becaufe none holy as the Lord. So, the devil the wicked one, becaufe he is a none fuel) in finne. In a few particulars let us endeavour to take the height of the devils finne, and the rather that we may judge a the degreesof fins, and finners among the funs of men , the K k 3 Enrol