. . . 254 Againfl fpiritnal wickedneffe. neerer God in holinefie,the more holy ; the biker the devil, the more wicked. Firft, thefe Apoftace Angels are the inventers of finne ; the firft that founded the Trumpet of rebellion againft their Ma- ker, and led the dance to all that finne which fince hath filled the world. Nowwhat tongue can accent this finne to its full? for fuch a noble creature whom God bad let on the top as it were of all the creation neereft to hirnfelf, from whomGod had kept nothingbut his own royal diadem,for this Feere andFa- vorite of the Court without any caufe or folicitatior. from any other, to make this bold and blafphemous attempt to fnatch at Gods ownCrown,this paints thedevil blacker then the thoughts of men and Angels can conceive. He is called the father of lies, as thofe who found out any Art, are called the father of it. ubal the father of 411 Inch as handle the harp, andorgan ; he in- vented Mufick ; and this is a dreadful aggravation, becaufe they finned without a Tempter. And though man is not in fuch a degree capable of this aggravation, yet fome men finne after the very firniiitude of the devils tranfgreflion in this re- fped, who as Saint Pasel,Rom 1.3o. fides them are inventers of evil t hings. Indeed finne is an old trade,found out to our hand; but as in other trades and arts, fome famous men arife, who adde to the inventions of others and make trades and arts (as it ware) new ; fo there ever are fome infamous in their genera- tion,that make old fumes new by fuperadding to the ..vickedneffe of others. Uncleanneffe is an old finne from the beginning but the Sodomites will be filthy in a new way and therefore it carries their name to this day. Some invent new errrors, others new oathes, fuch as are of their own coyning , hot out of the mint; they fcorne to fweare after the old fafnion, Others new devices of perfeuting, as uhan had a way by himfelf different from all before him;and to the end of the world every age will exceed other in the degrees offinning /ihrime/ and the mockers of the old world,were but chili Iren and bunglers to the (coffers and cruel mocks?' of the laft time. Well take heed of (hewing thy wit in inventing new finnes, left thou flirre upGod to in. vent new punifhments. Is not defirOion to the wickfcl, and a §irarge pfiniAment to the Workers ef iniquity? Job 31. 3. Sodom finned after a new mode, and God deftroys them after a new Way,