pirifual wickdnefie. 255 way, fends hell from above upon them. Some have invented new opinions , Monstrous errors, and God bath fuited their monftrous errors with births as monftrous of their own boa., dy. Secondly, they were not onely the inventers of finne, but 2., are ftill 111.- chief tempters to, and promoters of finne in the world, therefore call'd 76-fgcoy, the tempter; and finne cal- led the roorkofthe devil, vvhoever commits it ; as thehoufe goes by the name of the Matter-workman, though he ufeth his fer- vants hands to build it. 0 take heed of foliciting others to finne ; thou takeft the Devils office ( as I may lay) out of his hand : let him do it himfelf if he will ; make not thy fell fo like him. To tempt another is worfe then to finne thy (elf. It fpeaks finne to be ofgreat growth in that man, that doth it knowiugly and willingly. Herbs and flowers hied not their feed till ripe , creatures propagate not, till of nature and age. What do thole, that tempt others, but diffufe their wicked o- pinions and practices , and as,it were raife up feed to thedevil; thereby to keep up the name of their infernal Father in the world ? this thews fin is mighty in them indeed. Many a man though fo cruel to his own foul as to be drunk or fweare, yet will not like this in a childe or fervant ; what are they then but devils incarnate, who teach their children the devils Ca- techifme , to fweare and lie, drink and drab e If you meet 1,ich, be not afraid to call them (as Paul did 6Iymad, when he would have perverted the Deputy) children of the devil , full of all fubtilty and mifchief, , and enemies of all righteoufneffe, 0 do you not know what you do, when you tempt ? I'le tell you, you do that, which youcannot undo by your own repentance; thou poifonett one with errour, initiateft another in the devils School, (Alehoufe mean)but afterwards may be thou feeft thy miftake , and recanteft thy errour, thy folly,and givea over thy drunken trade ; art thou fure now to reciifie and convert themn with thy Idle ? alas poor creatures! this is out of thy power, theymay be will fay as he (though he did it upon abetter ac- count) that was folicited to turne back to poperyby him,who had before perfwaded him to renounce the fame , You havegi- ven me one turn,bgt fhall not giveme another. And what a grief to thy fpirit will it be, to fee there going to hell on thy errand, and