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. . Againfifpiritual wickedneffe. 257 unceffantly feeds this, but here is a glaffe that will give us the fhape of our hearts truly like themfelves. Seeft thou the mon- ftrous pitch and height of wickedneffe that is in the devil, all this there is in the heart of every man there is no leffe wick- edneffe potentially in the tameft linnet onearth, then in the devils themfelves, and that one day thou whoever thou art wilt %hew to purpofe, ifGod prevent thee not by his renewing grace, thou art not vet fiedg'd, thy wings are not grown to make thee a flying Dragon, but thou arc of the fame brood, the feed of this ferpent is in thee, and the devil begets a child like him- felfe ; thou yet flandeft in a toile not fo proper for the ripening offinne, which will not come to its fulneffe till tranfplanted un- to hell. Thouwho arc here fo maidenly and modeft, as to bluff: at force finnes out of fhame, and forbear the acingof others out of fear : when there thou (halt fee thy cafe as defperate as the devil doth his, then thou wilt fpit out thy blafpliemies with which thy nature is fluft , with the fame malice that he doth. The Indians have a conceit that when they die, they (hall be transform'd into the deformed likeneffe of the devil, there- fore in their language they have the fame word for adead man and the devil; finne makes thewicked like him before they come there, but indeed they will come to their countenance more fully there, when thole flames 'naafi waft' off that paint, which here hides their complexion. The Saints in heaven fhall be like the Angels in their alacrity, love and conftancy to ferve God, and the damned like the devils in finne aS well as punifhment. This one confideration might beof excellent ufe topnbottome a firmer, and abafe him fo as never to have high t.kughtof himfelS It is ealie to runne down a perfon whoferlife fs wick ed , and convincehim of the evil ofhis adtons, and make him confeffe what be doth is evil ; but here is the thicket we lofe him in, he will fay, 'cis tale, I am overlien ' I do what I fhould not, God forgive me : but my heart is good. Thy heart good, finer? and Co is the devils, his nature is wicked and thine as bad as his. Theft pimples in thy face Phew the heat of thy .cor- aupt nature within , and without Gofpelphylick, the blood of Chrift applied to thee, thou wilt die a Leper 3 ilone but Chrift can give thee a new heart, till which thou wilt everyday grow worfe and worfe. Sin is an hereditary difeaie that encreafeth L I with