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ilgainfifpiritualwickdnefre. 259 fine, and give, golden promifes what they fhall have in his fervice with which filly fouls are won : but how few ask their fouls, Whom do I finne against? what is the devils de- figne indrawing me to finne ? Shall I tell thee ? dolt thou think 'tis thy pleafure, or profit he defires in thy finning? alas, he means nothing leffe, he bath greater plots in his head then fo He hath by his Apottafie proclaim'd warre againft God, and hebrings thee by finning to efpoufe his quarrel , and to jeopard the life of thy foui in defence of his pride and lull ; which that be may do, he cares no more for the damnation of thy foul , then the great Turk doth to fee a company of his (laves cut off for the carrying on of his defigne in a liege : And claret thou venture to go into the field upon his quarrel againft God ? 0 Earth,tremble thou at the pretenceof the Lord. This bloody ?cab lets thee, where never any came off alive. 0 Eland not where Gods bullets fly, throw down thy armes, or thou art a dead man. Whatever others do, 0 ye Saints, abhorre the thoughts of finning willingly, which when you do, you help the devil a- gainfl, God, and what more unnatural then for a childe to be teen in armes againit his father ? 1V4+44101-tct.lifff017140Mt-14,00.40.tol,f CHAP. VII. Of Satans plot to defile the Chrillians fpirit with heart-filmes. Tbs room, Posit follows. THat thefe wicked Spirits do chiefly annoy the Saints with, Dal. and provoke them to fpiritual finnes. Sinnes may be cal- led fpiritual upon a double account ; either from the tubjea wherein they are afted, or from the obje& about which they are converfant. Fiat, in regard of the fubjea; when the fpirit gr heart is the tillage whereon finne is acted , this is a fpiritual Crane fuch L I z RIC