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26o Againfl fpiritual wickedneffii. are all impure thoughts, vile affections and defires; though the object be fllhly luft, yet are fpiritual finnes, becaufe they are purely ads of the foula and fpirir, and break not forth unto the outward man. Secondly, in regard of the objea , when that is fpiritual and not carnal, fuch as are idolatry, errour, fpiritual pride, un- belief, &c. both which Patel calls the fdtbineffe tithe jpirit, and diftinguifheth them from filthinefe ofthe fiefh, 2 Cor.7.r. SECT. I. Firft, ofthe firfl, Satan labours what he can to provoke the Chrifflan to heart-finnes, to ftirre upand foment thefe inward' motions of finne in the Chrifhans bofome ; hence,it is he can go about no duty but thefe (his Impes I may call them ) haunt him , one motion or other darts in to interrupt him, as Patti tells us of himfelfe, when he would do good,evil was prefent with him ; if a Chriftian fhould turne back., when ever thefe croffe the way of him, he fhould never go on his journey to heaven. It is the chief game the devji bath left to play again the children ofGod; now his-field-army is broken, and his com- manding power taken away which he had over them, to come out ofthefe his holds where Ile lies fctilking , and fall upon their rear with thefe fuggeftions. He knows his credit now is notlo great with the foul, as when it Was his flave ; then no drudgery work was fo bate that it would not do at his com- mand, but now the foul is out of his bondage, and he mull not think to command another's fervant as his own : No, all he can do is to watch the fittat feafon (when the Chriftian leaft fufpeets) and then to relent fcme finful motion handfomely dreft up to die eye of the foul, that the Ch rattan may (before he is aware ) take this brat up and dandle it in his thoughts, till at lafl he makes it his own by embracing ie ; and this he knowes. will defile the ibul, and may be this boy fent in at the window may open the door to let in a greater thief; or if he fhould not fo prevaile, yet the guilt of there hcarr-finnes, yea their very neighbour-hood will be a. fad vexation to a gracious hearr;:l finue,