Again fpiritualrvicliydizeffe. 26k whole nature is fo pure that it abhorres all filthinefre ( fo that to be haunted with fuch motions is, as if a living man fliould he chain'd to a ffinking carcafe, that where ever he goes he muff draw that after him ) and whole love is fo dear to (Thrift that it cannot bear the company of thole thoughts without amazement and horrour, which are fo contrary and abulive to his beloved. This makes Satan fo defirous to be ever raking in the unregene- rate part, that as a dunghil ftired it may offend them both with the noifomeftreames which arife from it. SECT. II. Virile let this be for trial of thy fpintual ftate. What enter- vie tainment findes Satan when he comes with thefe fpirituals of wickedneffe, and folicites thee to dwell on them ? canft thou difpenfe with the filchineffeofthy fpirir, fo thy hands be clean ? or dolt thouwreflle againft thefe heart-finnes as well as others I donor ask whether fuch guefts come within thy door, for the worft of finnes may be found in the motions of them, not only palling by the door of a Chriffian, but looking in alto, as holy' motions may be found flirting in the bofome of wicked men butI ask thee whether thou canft finde in thy heart to lodge thefe guefts and bid them welcome, fis like thou wouldft not be Peen to walk in the fireet with fuch company, not lead a whore by the hand through the Town, not violently break open thy neighbours houfe tolnurder or rob him : but canft thou nor under thy own roofe, in the withdrawing room of thy foul let thy thoughts hold up an unclean lull, while thy heart commits fpeculative folly with it ? canft thou not draw thy neighbour into thy den, and there rend him limb from limb by thy malice, and thyheart not fo much as cry murder, murder ? In a word canftthou hide any one finne in the vance roofe of thy heart,' there to fave the life of it when enquired after by the Word and Spirit, as Rahab hid the fpies, and fent the King of yerichaes rnef- fengers to purfue them, as if they had been gone ? Perhaps thou cant} fay, the adulterer, the murderer is not here, thou haft fens- Ode finnes away long ago, and all this while thou hid& 'there L I 3 in