264 Againfi fpiritual wickednefli. Thirdly, thefe fins ftay with the foule when the other leave :it; when the finner bath cripled his body with drunkenneffe and filthineffe. and proves miles enrittes, cannot follow the de- vils cempny longer in thole wayes, then theft: curfed tufts will entertain the finner with flories of his old pranks and plea- lures. In a word, thefe inward tufts of the heart have nothing but the confcience of a Deity to quell them. Other fins put the finner to fhame before men, and as Come that believed on Chrift, durst not confeffe him openly becaufe they loved the praife of men, fo there are fanners who are kept from vouch- ing their tufts openly, for the fame tendernefTe to their reputa- tion ; but here is no feare of that, if they can but forget that heaven fees them, or perfwade themfelves there is no danger from thence ; the coaft then is clear, theymay be as wicked as they pleafe. Thefe make inward fins fo hugg'd and embraced. If thou therefore canft find thy heart let against thefe I may venture to call thee a Chritlian, and for thy help against them, Fiat, be carnet" with God in prayer to move and (meter thy heart in its thoughts and defires. li the tongue be fuch an un- ruly thing that fewcan tame; 0what is the heart where fuch a multitude ofthoughts are flying forth as thick as bees from the hive, and fpai ks from the furnace! It is not in man , not in the holieft on earth to do this without divine aftNance. Thereforewe finde 'David fo often cryingout in this refpeek to -order his fteps in his Word, to unite his heart to his feare, to en- eine his heart tohis teftimonies. As a fervant, when the childe lie tends is troublefome, and will not be ruled by him, calls out to the father to come to him, who no fooner (peaks but all is whift with him ; No doubt holy "David found his heart beyond his skill or power, that makes him fo oft do its errand to God. Indeed God bath promifed thus much to his children, to order their Reps for them, pial. 37. 22. only he looks they fhould bring their hearts to him for that end. Commit thy Work,to the Lord, and thy thorghts jhall be efiabliAtd, Prov. (6. 3. or ordered. Art thou letting thy face towards an Ordinance, where thou art lure to meet Satan, who will be difturbing thee with worldly thoughts, andmay be worfe 7 Let Godknow from thy mouthwhither thou art going, and what thy feares are; never