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Againflfpiritualwickednef f e. 265 never cloth the foule march in fo goodly order, as when it puts it fclf under the conduft of God. Secondly, fez a ftrong guard about thy outward fences : thefe are Satans landing places, efpecially the eye and the eare. Take ' heed what thou importeft at there ; va.ine difcourfo Seldom,: pal. = Seth without leaving Tome tincture upon the heart, as unwhole . tome aire inclines to putrefaftion things fweet in themfeives : 10 unfavourydifcourfe to corrupt the minde that is pure ; look thou breath& therefore in a clear aire. And for thy eye, let it \ not wander, wanton objects caufe wanton thoughts. job knew his eye and his thoughts were like to go together, and therefore CO fecure one, he covenants with the other, yob 3r, 1. Thirdly, often retie& upon thy felf in a day; and obferve what company is with thy heart. A careful Matter will ever and a- non be looking into his work- houfe, and fee what his fervants are doing, and a wife Chriflian fhould do the fame. We may know by the noife in the fchool, the Matter is not there : much of the mirule in our bofomes arifeth from the negle6t of vilic- ing our hearts, Now when thou art partying with thy fixate, make this threefold enquiry. Firft, whether that which thy heart is thinking on be good or evil. If evil and wicked, fuch as are proud, unclean, diftrnft- ful thoughts, (hew thy abhorrency of them, and chide thy foul sharply for fo much as holding conference with them, of which nought can come, but difhonour to God, and milchief to thy own foul, and flirre up thy heart to mourn for the evil neigh- bour-hood of them, and by this thou fhalt give a teflimony of thy faithfulneffe to God. When 'David mourn'd for Miner, all Ifrael'tis faid uneterfigod that day, that it, was not of the King to .17 ty tribner : Thy mourning for them will thew there thoughts ' are not fo much of thee, as of Satan. Secondly, if they be not broadly wicked, enquire whether they be not empty, frothy5vaine imaginations, that have no Cub. ferviency to the glory ofGod,thy own good or others ; and if fo, leave not till thou haft made thy felfe appreherifive of Sazans defigne on thee in them ; though Such are not for thy purpofe, yet they are for his, they ferve his turne to keep thee from bet- ter. All the water is loft that runnes betide the mill, and all thy 1 M m thoughts 2. 3. I. 2.