270 Againft fPiritual 2vicliedneffe. .; fay, See how they that loved fo dearly are ready to pluck one r anothers throats out. SECT. II. The application of this fhall be only in a word of exhortati- on to all, efpecially you who bear the Name ofChrift by a more eminent Profeflion of him. 0 beware of this foul-infeftioa, this leprofie of the head. I hope you do not think it needleffe, for 'cis thedifeafe of the times. This plague is begun, yea, fpreads apace; not a flock, a Congregation hardly that bath not this fcab among them. Paul was a Preacher the belt of us all may write after, and he preffeth this home upon the Saints, yea, in the conflant courle of his preaching it made a piece of his Sermon, Ade 20. 30, 3i. he fets us Preachers alfo on this work: Take. heed toJour [elves, and to all the flock; for 1 know this, that after my departure fhall grievous zrolves enter ; alfo of your ot)on [elves fhall men arife 'peaking perverfe things; therefore watch. And then he prefcnrs his own example, that he hardly made a Sermon for feveral yeares, but this was part of it to warn every one night and day with teares. We need not prophefie what Imp3tIors may come upon the ftage, when we go off: There are too many at prefent above board of this gang, draw- ing difciples after them. And if it be our duty to warn you of them, furely 'cis yours to watch, left you by any of them be led into temptation in this houre thereof, wherein Satan is let bole in fo great a mealure to deceive the Nation. May you not as ea. lily be lowered with this leaven, as the difcipleswh.omChrift bids beware ? Are you priviledged above thole famous Churches of GaLeri.a and Corinth, many of which were bewitched with falfe teachers, and in a manner turned to another Gofpel ? Is Satan grown Orthodox, or have his inftrumenzs loft their cunning, who hunt for fouls? In 1 word, is there not a fympathy between thy corrupt heart and errour ? Haft thou not a difpoticion, which like the fomes of the earth, makes it natural for thefe weeds ties grow in thy foile. Salt thou not many proftrated by this enemy, who fate upon the mountain of their faith, and thought it thouldnever have been removed, furely they would have