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A'gainfi fpint alwickedneffe. 2-7 have tooke it ill to have been toldyou are themen and women that will decry Sabbaths, which nowye count holy ; you will turn Pelagians, who now defie the name; you will defpife Pro- phecie it Pelf, who now feem fo much to honour the Prophets ; you will throw family-duties out of doors, who dare not now go out of doors. till you have prayed there. Yet thefee and more then thele are come to paffe, and doth it not behove thee (Chriffian) to take heed left thou falleft alfo ? and that thou mayeft not, Firfte make it thy chief care to get a through change of thy heart. Ifonce the root of the matter be in thee, and thou beeft bottom'd by a lively faith on Chrift, thou art then fafe, I do not fay wholly free from au errour, but this I am lure, free from in- gulphing thy foule in damning errour. They went out from us, (faith Saint ?obn) but they were not of us, for if they had been of us they would no doubt have continued with us, I j01111 2.19 As if he had laid, they had fome cutward Profeffion, and common work of the Spirit with us, which theyhave either loft or carried over to thedevils quarters, but they never had the unction of the fanaifyingSpirit.By this,verfe 20 .he diftinguifheth them, and comforts the ffncereones,who poffibly might feare their own fall by their departure: But ye have an tint-lion from the Holy 04e, and ye know all things. 'Tis one thing to know a truth, and an- other thing to know it by unction. An hypocrite may do the for- mer, the Saint only the latter. It is this trnflion which gives the foule the favour of the knowledge of Chrift; thole are the fit prey for Impoffors, whoareenlightened,but not enlivened. 0 it's good to have the hearteftablifh't with grace, this as an an chor will keep us from being let a drift, and carried about with divers and ftrange doftrines, as the Apoille teacheth us, He& 13. 9. Secondly, ply the work of mortification. Crucifie the flail z- daily. Herefie though a fpiritual finne, yet by the Apoftle reckon'd among the deeds of the flefh, (jai. 5, 20. latcaufe it is occafioned by flefhly motives, and nouriffit by carnal food and fuel. Never any turn'd Heretick, but flefh was at the bottome, either they ferv'd their belly, or a luft of pride ; 'twas the way toCourt, or fecur'cl their el-fates, and faved their lives, as foun- tains the reward oftruth is fire and fagot forne pad or other