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272 Againfi fpiritual wickedneffe. is in the flraWwhen leafi feen,and therefore its no wonder that herefies fhould end in the flefh, which in a manner fprang from it. The rheume in the head afcends in fumes from the ftomack, and retarnes thither, or unto the lungs which at lafl fret and ulcerate : Carnal affed ors firft fend up their fumes to the un- derflanding, clouding that, yea, bribing it to receive fuch and filch principles for truths, which imbraced, fall down into the life corrupting that with the ulcer of profaneneffe. So that, Chrilliangonce thou canfl take off thy engagements to the &Ili, and become a free-man, fo as not to give thy vote to gratifie thy carnal fears or hopes, thou wilt then be a lure friend CO truth. 3, Thirdly, waite confcionahly on the Miniflery of the Word. Satancommonly flops the care from hearing found Dodrine, before he opens it to embrace corrupt. This is the method of foules apofl'atizing from truth, 2 Tim. 4.3,4. They 'ball turn their cares from the truth, andAall be turned untofables. Satan like a cunning thief drawes the foul out of the road into fome lane or corner, and there robs him of the truth. By rejecting of one Ordinance we depriveour (elves of the blefling of all other : fay not that thou prayefl to be led into truth, he will not hear thy prayer if thou turnefl thine care from hearing the law. He that loves his child,when 'he fees him play the truant,will whip him to fchool : ifGod loves a foul, he will bringhim back to the Word with fhame and forrow. Fourthly, When thou hearefl any unufual Dodrine, though never fo pleXing,make not up the match haflily with it : have fome better teflimony of it before you open your heart to it. The Apoltle indeed bids us entertain ftrangers, for fome have en- tertain'd Angels unawares, Feb. r 3. 3. but he would not have us carried about with firange 'Dot/rine, vent-. 9. by this I am Pure 1 Ionic have entertained devils. I confeffe. not enough to re. jed a clodrine, becaufe ftrange to us, but ground we have to wait and enquire. Paul marvelled that the gatarians were fo foon removed from him, who had called them unto the grace of Chrift, unto another Goipel ; they might lure have flayed till they had acquainted Paul with it, and asked his judgement; what, no fooner an Impoflour come into the countrey and o- pen his pack, but buy all his ware at firfl fight ? 0 friends, were