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Againfifriritualwtckerineffii, 273 were itnot more wildom to pray Inch new notions over and over again, to (catch the Word and our hearts by it, yea, not to truft our ownhearts, but call in counfel from others. If your Mtnifler have not fuch credit with you, yet the moll holy, humble and eftabliftet Chriftiansyou can finde, Errour is like hen, which muff be eaten new, or it will flink. When thole dangerous errours fprungup firft in IVO° England, 0 how un- fettled were many ofthe Churches?what an outis was made, as if fome mine of gold had been difcovered ; but in a while, when thole errours came to their complexion, and it was perceived whither they were bound, to defiroy Churches, Ordinances, and Power of Godlineffe : then fuch as feared God, who had ftept afide, returned back with fhame and forrow. 1,1-4-+.41,144,1.0.141-ti-H4M4:7M4414);+tati3O CHAP. IX. Of Pride of Gifts, andbow Satan tempts the Cbri- flian thereto. He fecond fpiritual wickedneffe which Satan provokes unto, efpecially theSaint,is fpiritual pride. This was the fin made him of a bleffed Angel a turfeddevil, and as it was his perfo- nal fin, fo he chiefly labours to derive it to the tons of men and he fo far prevailed on our first Parents, that ever fence this fin bath and loth claim a kinde of regency in the heart, making ufe both ofbad and good to draw her chariot. Firft, of evil; Pride enters into the labours of other fins, they do but work to make her brave, as iiibje6ts touphold the ftate and grandure of their Prince : Thus you null fee fome drudge and droile, cheat, corer', oppreffe ; and what mean they ? 0 'tis to get an efface to maintain their pride. Others fawn and flatter, lie, dif- femble, and for what ? to help pride up fome mount of honour. Again, it maketh de of that which is good, it can work with N n Gods