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.... . , Againflfpiritual wicked/26'. 27 5 able to his life ; I flail name three : pride of Gifts, pride of Grace, pride ofPriviledges ; thefe are the things which Satan chiefly labours to entangle him in. SECT. I. l'irft, Pride of Gifts. By Gifts I mean thole fupernatural a- bilities, with which the Spirit of God doth enrich and endow the mindes of men, for edification of the body of Chrift; of which gifts the Aponte tells us there is great diverfity, and all from the fame Spirit, I Cor, 13.4. There is not greater varim ety of colours, and qualities in plants and flowers, with which the earth like a carpet of needle-work is variegated for the de. light and fervice of man, then there is of gifts in the mindes of men, natural and fpiritual to render them ufeful to one another, both civil focieties and Chriftian fellovvfhip. The Chriftian as well as man is intended to be a fociable creature, and for the better managing this fpiritual Common-wealth among Chrifti- ans ; God doth wifely and gracioufly provide and impart gifts, fuitable to the place every one flands in to his brethren, as the veffels are larger or leffe in the body natural, according to their place therein. Now Satan labours what he can to taint thefe gifts, and fly-blow them withpride in the Chriftian, that fo he may fp °Ile the Chriftians trade and commerce, which is mutu- ally maintained by the gifts and graces of one another. Pride of gifts hinders the Chriftians trade, at leaft thriving by their commerce two wages. Pith, pride of gifts is the caufe why we do fo little good with them to others. Secondly, why we receive fo little' good from the gifts of others. Firft, pride ofgifts hinders the doing of good by them to 0- thers, and than upon a threefold account. Fait, pride diverts a man from aiming at that end ; fo far as r. pride prevails the man prayer, preaches,&c. rather to be thought good by others, then to do good to others ; rather to enthrone himfelf then Chrift, in the opinions and hearts of his hearers. Pride carries the man aloft, to be admired for the height of his N n z parts