276 Againit fPiritual wickediieffe. parts and notions, And will not fuffer him to floop fo low as to fpeak of plain truths, or if he does, not plainly; he muff have fome fine lace, though on a plain fluffe, fuch a one may tickle the care, but very unlikely to do real good to the foules : alas, it is not that he attends. 2. Secondly, if this painted 7ezlbel ofpride be perceived to look out at the window in any exercife, whether ofpreaching, prayer, or conference, it doth beget a disdain in the fpirits of thole that heare fuch a one both good and bad. ' Tis a fin very odious to a gracious heart, andoft-times makes the ftomack go againft the food . though good, through their abhorrency of that pride they fee in the infirm-tient. It is indeed their weakneffe, but wo to them that by their pride lead them into temptation 1 nay, thofe that are bad and may be in the fame kincle, likenot that in another which they favour in themfelves, and fo prejudiced, return as bad as they went. 3.' Thirdly, pride of gifts robs us of Gods blefling in the ufe of them. The humble man may have Satan at his right hand to oppofe him, but be Pure the proud man (hall finde God himfelf there to raja him, whenever he goes about any duty. God proclaims fo much, and would have the proud man know where- ever he meets him he will oppofe him ; he refill."the proud. Great gifts are beautiful as Rachel, but pride makes them alfo barren like her. Either we muff lay Pelf afide, or God will lay us afide. 2. Secondly, pride of gifts hinders the receiving of good from others. ?ride fills the foule, and a full foul will take nothing fromGod, much leffe from man to do it good. Such a one is very dainty ; It is not every Sermon, though wholefomt food, nor ever y prayer, though favoury, will go down, he muff have a choice difh, he thinks he bath better then this of his own, and is fuch a one like to get good ? And truly we may fee it, that as the plain Plowman that can ease of any homely food if whole- fome ; bath more health, and is able to domore work in a day, then many enjoy or can do in their whole life, that are nice, fqueamifh, and courtly in their fare ; fo the humble Chriftian that can feed on plain truth% and Ordinances which have not fo much of the Art of man to commend them to their palate, enjoy more of God, and can do more for God, then the nicer fort