27 Atgainflipirttual wickedneire. a mercy may be wrapt up even in the meannes of thy giFts,or what temptations their giftsexpofe them to, whichGod for ought I know may inmercy deny thee. 7afephs coat made him finer then his brethren, but this caufed all his trouble, this fet the Archers a (hooting their arrows into his fide ; thus great gifts lift a Saint up a little higher in the eyes of men, but it occafions many temptations which thou meeteft not with, that art kept low, what with envie from their brethren, malice from Satan, and pride in their on hearts ; I dare fay, none finde fo hard a work to go to heaven as fuch, much ado to bear up againft thole waves and windes, while thou creepeft along the fhore under thewinde to heaven. It is with fuch as with fame great Lord of little eftate, a meaner man oft hathmoney in his purfe, when he bath none, and can lend his Lordfhip fome at a need : great gifts and parts are titles of honour among men, but many fuch may come and borrow grace and comfort of a mean gifted bro- diet. ; poitibly the Preacher of his poor neighbour. 0 poor Chriflian, do not murmur or envy them, but rather pity and pray for them, they need it more then others,his gifts are thine; thy grace is for thy felf ; thou arc like a Merchant that bath his Fadour goes to fea,but he bath his Adventure without hazard brought home. Thou joyneft with him in prayer, haft the help ofhis gifts, but not the temptation of his pride. VI.' 2° Secondly, doth Satan labour thus to draw to pride ofgifts? this (peaks a word to you to whomGod bath given more gifts then ordinary, beware of pride, that is now your fnare. Satan is at work, if poflible he will turne your Artillery againft your felfe ; thy fafety lies in thy humility, ifthis lock becut the legi- ons of hell are on thee. Remember whom thouwreftleft with, fpiritual wickedneffe, and their play is to lift up, that they may give the forer fall. Now the more to ftir up thy heart againft it, I (hall adde fome foul-humblingconfiderationse riift, confider thefe fpiritual gifts are not thy own, and wilt r. thou be proud of anothers bounty ? Is not God the Founder, and can he not loon be the Confounder of thy gifts ? thou that art proud of thy gourd, what wilt thou be when it is gone ? furely then thou wilt be peevifh andangry, and truly thou ta. keit the courfe to be ftrip'c of them. Gifts come on other termer then grace. God gives grace as a free-hold, it bath the promife ...