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Aga fpiritual wickdneffe. 279 promife of this and another world, but gifts ccme on liking; though a father will not call off his childe, yet he may take away his fine coat and ornaments, ifproud of them. Secondly, gifts are not tneerly for thy Pelf As the light of the Sun is rninifteriall, it fhines not for it felf fo all thy gifts are for others ; rifts for the edifying of the body. Suppoie a man fhould leave a Cheft of money in your hands to be diftributed to others, what folly is it in this man to put this into his own. In- ventory, and applaud hanielf that he hash fo much money? Poor/ foul, thou art but Gods Executour, and by that time thou haft I paid all the Legacies, thou wilt fee little left for thee to brag and boaft of Thirdly, know' Chriftian)thou (halt be accountable for thefe talents ; now with what face can a proud foul look on Geri? Suppoie one left an Executor to pay Legacies, and this man fhould pay them not at Legacies of another, but gifts of his own. Chrift at his akenfion gave gifts, that his children fhould re- ceive, thou! ail fume in thy hand ; now a proud foul gives out all, not as the Legacy of Chrift, but as his own, he affumes all to himfelfe, 0 how abominable is this toentitle our felves co Chrifts honour! Fourthly, thy gifts commend thee not to God. Man may be taken with thy expreflion anti notion in prayer : but thefe are all pared off when thy prayer comes before God ; 0 woman,(faith Chrift) great N thyfraithl nor compt and fl airifhing thy lan. guage. It were good after our duties, to fort the Ingredients of which they are made up what grace contributed, and what gifts, and what pride, and when all the heterogeneal fluffe is fevet'd, you (hall lei in what a little compaffe the aftings of grace in our duties w;11 lie Fifthly, confider wh!;e thou art priding in thy gifts, thou art dwindling and' w,thering in thy grace. Such are like come that runs up much into ffraw, whole eare commonly is but light and thin. Grace is too neglefted, where gifts are too highly prized; we are commanded to be clothed with humility. Our garments cover the fliameof our bodies, humility the beauty of the foul ; aid as a tender body cannot live without cloathes, fo neither can grace without this cloathing of humility. It kills the Spirit of praife,, when thou. fliouldeft blare God thou art apa p I auding;