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. . . o Aganfi fpiritual wic4edneffe. plauding thy felf. It deffroys'Chriflian love, and Dabs our fel- lowfhip with the Saints to the heart : A proud manpath not \ room enough to walk in company, becaufe the gifts of others- be thinks Hand in his way. Pride fo diflempers the palate, that it can relifh nothing that is drawen from anothers valet. 6. Sixthly, it is the fore-runner of fome great fin, or fome great affliftion. God will not (Mier fucha weed as pride to grow in his garden, without taking fome courfe or other to root it up may be he will let thee fall into fome great finne, and that fhall bring thee home with fharne. God ufeth fometimes a thorn in the flefh, to prick the bladder of pride in the Spirit ; or at leaf fome great affliction ; the very end whereof is to bide pride from Job 3 3. man. As you do with your hot-metall'd horfes, ride them over /9 plowed lands to tame them, and then you can fit fafely on their back. If Gods honour be in danger through thy pride, then ex- pea a rod, and molt likely the afflidion fhall be in that, which will be moil grievous to thee, in the thing thou art proud of. Hezokiab boafted of his treafure, God fends the Chaideant to plunder him, ?onah fond ofhis gourd, and that is fmitten : and if thySpirit be blownup with pride ofgifts, thou art in danger of having them blafted, at !call in the opinion of others, whole breath of applaufe (poffibly) was a means tooverfet thy unbal- laft fpirit. SECT. III. A4!eg. Oat bow Would ion dire& em again/I this ? Arguments you have had before ; I (hall only therefore point to two or three doors, where your enemy comes forth upon you, and furely the very fight thereof, if thou beat loyal to Chrill, will litre thee up to fall upon it. T. Firft, pride difcovers it fell in dwelling upon the thoughts of our gifts, with a fecret kinde ofcontent to fee our own face, till at laft we fall in love with it. We read of fome whole eyes are full of the adiatereye, and cannot ceale from finne ; a proud heart is full of himfelf, his own abilities call their shadow before him, they are in his eye wherever he goes, the great fubjed and theam