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IN Againfifpiritual wickedneJTh 8 [ theam of his thoughts is what he is, and what he hath e hove o- thers, applauding himfelfas Bernard confeffeth, that (when one would think he had little leifure. for inch thought) es,e n in preaching,prhie would be whifpering in his care Rene tecifii 'Bei-- ntirdt, 0well done Bernd. Now have a care (Chriftian) of chatting with fuch company. Run from fuch thoughts as from a Beare. If the devil canget thee to !land on this pinacle, while he prefents theewith the gloryof thy fpiritual attainments and endowments for thee to gaze on them, thy weak head will loon- turn round in pride: and therefore labour to keep the fenfe of thy own infirmities lively in thy foule to divert the temptation. As thole whoare fubjeca to fome kinde of fits, carry about them things proper for the difeafe, that when the fit is corning, (which oft is occafioned with a fweet perfume) they may ufe them for their help. Sweet feats are not more dangerous for them, then any thing that may applaud thee is to thy foul : Have a care therefore not only of wearing fuch thoughts in thy own bofome, but alfo °flitting by others, that bring the fweet fent of thyperfetions to thee by their flattery. Secondly, this kindeof pride appears in a forwardnelle toex; pofe it felf to view. Davidt brethren were miftaken in him in- iSam.17' deed, but oft the pride and naughtineffe of the heart breaks out at this door. Chrifts carnal friends bid Chrift thew himfelfe ; pride loves to climbe up, not as Zaechetii to fee Chriit, but to be teen himfelf. The fool (Solomon tells us) loath no delight in tinder- fianding, but that his heart may dtfcover it felf. Prov. i8. 2. Pride would be fome body, and therefore comes abroad to court - the multitude, whereas humility delights in privacy ; as the leaves do cover and fhade the fruits, that fome hand met gently lift up thembefore they can fee the fruit: fo fhould humility and a holy modestlyconceal the perfaztions of the foul; till a hand of Providence by come call invites them out. There is a pride in naked gifts as well as in naked breath and backs : hu- mility is a necedary 'vei le to all other graces and therefore firft, Chriflian, look whenever thou comet forth to publike duty, that thou haft a call ; it is obedience to be ready to anfwer, when Godcalls thee forth, but it's pride to run before God fpcaks. Secondly, when call'd earneftly_im?lore divine ftrength againft this enemy fhun not a duty for feare of pride , thou 00 mayeft