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Againfi fpiritnalrviclvcineffe. that day which he heard 'David prefered in the women's Songs above himielf, he could never get that found out of his head, but did ever after devote this innocent man to death in his thoughts, whohad done him noother wrong, but in being an iuftrument tokee p the crown on his head, by the hazard of his own life with Goliah. 0 it is a bloody fin. It is the wombe wherein a whole litter of other fins are formed, Rom. 1. 29. full of envy, murder,-debate, deceit, malignity, &c. and there- fore except you be refolved to bid the devil welcom and his whole train, refill him in this, that comes before to take upquar- ters for the mfr. 2 5 444404; t,14,409)000441444:0$VP+ t t44'0 CHAP. X: Ofpride of Grace. eEcondly, prideofgrace. This is another way Satan affaults Lithe Chriftian. 'Tis true,grace cannot be proud, yet 'cis pof- fible a Saint may be proud of his grace, there is nothing the Chriftian hath ordoth, but this worms of pridewill breed in it. The world we live in is corruptible, and all here is fubjea to putrefie, as thingskept in a rafty muggifh room, fubjeezt themto mould. It is not the nature of grace, but the fait of theCove- nant keeps and preferves the purity of it; in heaven indeed we fhall be fafe. But how can a Saint be laid to be proud of his grace ? Then a foule is proud of his grace, when he truth in his grace. Trutt and confidence is an incommunicable flower ofGod's Crown as Soveraign Lord, even among men it goes a- long with royalty. Set up a King, and as I.-eh he expeas you should give him this, as the undoubted Prerogative of his place, and therefore to feek proteetion from anyother, is(as it were)to let up another King, 7udg. 9. 15. if indeed you anoint me King over you, then come andput }ow trufi uncler my fhadon therefore when afoule puts his truft in any thing befide God, be o lets