1: 86 Again, fpiritual wickedneffi. Pets up a Prince, a King, an Idol, tow hich he gives Gods glo- ry away. Now it doth not make the fin leffe, that it is the grace ofGod we crown, then ifit were a luft we crowned. 'Tis ido- latry to worship a holy Angel as well as a curled devil, to make ourgrace a god, as well as our belly our god, nay rather it addes to it, becanfe that is now ufed to rob him of his glory, which fhould have brought him in the greateft revenue of glory; certainly the more treafure you put into your fervants hands, the greater wrong to you for him to run away with it. I doubt not but Davidcould have borne it better tohave Peen a Philifline drive him from his throne then a fonne, an e../6/4. lam But how can or may a Saint be laid to truft in his grace? Firft, by trufting to the ftrength ofhis grace. Secondly, by uniting on the worth of his grace. Indeed a profeffed truft in grace, I conceive, cannot Rand with grace: but there is an oblique kinde of truft, or that which by interpretati- onmay favour of it, Satan is flie in his affaults. SECT. I. Firft, of the firft, to truft in the 'ftrength of grace is to be proud ofgrace. This is oppofed to that poverty offpirit fo come mended by our Saviour, Matth. S. by which a man lives in the continual fenfe of his fpiritual beggery and nothingneffe, and fo bath his recourfe to Chrift, as the poor to the rich mans door, knowing he hash nothing at home tomaintain him. Such a one was Paul, not able to do any thing of himfelf ; he is not afhamed to let the world know that Chrift carries his purfe for him. Our fuffleiency is of God, yea, after manyyears trading, this holy man fees nothinghe bath got, Nit. 3. 1 count not my Pelf to have apprehended: he is ftill preffing forward ; ask him how he lives, he'll tell you who keeps houle for him ; I live, yet not I, Gal, 2. 20, as ask a beggar where he path his meat, cloathes, &c. hell fay, 1 thank mygood Mailer; Now to his Inane; Satan knows 'tis Gods method togive his children Satan chiefly labours to purfe the foul up with an conceit of his ownability, as the readieft means to bring him in.