Againfifpiritual 2vmke.dneff e. into his hands, when once they grow proud and felf.confidenr: iltzoktah was left to a temptation, 2 Chron. 3 2. 3 1. to try him. Why ? God had tried him to purpofe a little before in an affli- ction ; what needs this ? 0 Hetekjahs heart was lift up after his affliaion. It was time for God to let the tempter alone a little to foile him ; probably now Hezek!ah had high thoughts of his grace; 0 be would never do as be had done before, and God will let him fee what a weak creature he is. Peter makes a whip for his own back in that bravado ; Though all fhould for- - F fake thee, yet will not I. Chrift now in meer mercy muff let Sa- tan on him, to lay him on his back ; that feeing the weakneffe of his faith, he might be difmounted from the height of his pride. All that I (hail fay from this, is to entreat thee(Chriflian) to have a care of this kinde of pride. You know what 7oab (aid to David, when he perceived his heart lift up with the ftrength ofhis Kingdom, and therefore would have the people numbered The Lord god adde unto thypeoitle, howmany foever they be, a hun- dred fold; but why doth my Lord the King delight in this thing? 2 Sam. 24, 3. The Lord adde to the ftrength of thy grace a hundred fold, but why delightefi thou in this ? why fbouldeft r thou be liftup ? is it not grace ? (hall the Groom be proud be- caufe he rides on his Mailers hotfe ? or the mud wall becaufe the i ! Sun fhines on it ? mayeft thou not fay of every dram of grace, as the young man of his hatchet, eAlar, Mager, it is borrowed?' nay, not only borrowed, but thou cant} not Le it without his. skill and ftrength that lends it thee, 0 beware of this, let not thole vain thoughts lodge in thee, left thou enter into temptati. on. It is a breach a whole troopof fins may enter at, yea will, except fpeedfly fili'd up. Fiat, it will make thee loon grow loofe and negligent in thy duty. 'Tis fenfe of infufficiency keeps a foul at work, to pray and heare, as want in the houfe and hutch holds up the marker, no man comes thither to buywhat he bath at home. Vp,faith 7a- cob, go down to Egypt for come, that We live and not die. I bus faith the needy Chriflian, Up foul to-thyGod, thy faith is weaks, thy patience almoft fpent, ply the to the throne of grace, go with thy homer to the Ordinances, and get lb= fupplies, Now a foule conceited of his (tore, bath another Fong; Soul, take, thine eafe, than art richly laid infor any daps. Let the doubt. in& 7