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292 Againft fPiritnalwickedneffe. think her felf worthy to be 'David: wile, yet fhe thought 'Da- vidwas worthyof her, and therefore the humbly accepted his offer, and makes hafle to go with the meffengers That's the fweet frame of heart indeed, to lie low in the fenfe of your own vileneffe, yet to believe ; to renounce all conceit of vvor- thineffe in our felves, yet not therefore to renounce all hope of mercy, but the more fpeedily to make hafte to Chrill that wooes us. All the pride and unmannerlineffe lies in making Chrift flay for us, whobids his meffengers invite poor finners to come and cell them all thing: aveready. But may be thou wilt lay [till, it is not pride that keeps thee off, but thou cana not be- lieve that ever God will entertain fuch as thou art. Truly, thou mendeft the matter but little with this, either then keepeft Tome luft in thy heart, which thou wilt not part with to obtain the be- nefit of the promife, and then thou art a notorious hypocrite, who under Inch an out-cry for thy fins, canft drive a fecret trade withhell at the fame time ; or ifnot fo, thou'doeft dilcover the more pride in that thoudarell ftand out, when thou hall nothing to oppofeagainft the many plain and clear promifes of the Go- fpel, but thy peremptory unbelief. God bids the wicked for- fake his wa es, and turne to him, and he will abundantly par don him ; but thou fayeft thou canft not believe this for thy own felf. Now who fpeaks the truth ? One of you two muff be the liar, either thou muff take it with flume to thy fef, for what thou haft laid againft God and his promile, (and Cat is thy belt courfe,) or thou muff proudly, yea, blafplionioully call it upon God, as every unbeliever dot!), 7ohn 5. io. Nay, thou makcfl him forfivorn for God, to give poor (inners the greater fecurity in flying for refuge to Chriff, who is that hop jet before them, Mb. 6.17, 18, bath iworn they fhould have ftrong confolation : 0 beatoi velum caufii Dem jurat ! Dmiler- rimos finec jaranticredamttg. Tenni, de pcenit. 0 happy we, ", for whole fake God puts himfelfunder anoath ; but 0miferable we, who will not believe God, no, not whenhe fweares Secondly, when the foul bath fhot the great guile, and got into a flare of peace and life by clangwith Chrifl,yet this man- nerly pride Satan makes life of in tie Chrift tans daily courfe 9f duty and obedience, to difturb him and binder his peace and comfort. 0 how unchearfully, yea, joy Idly do many precious foutes