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Isomemml c98 Againff fpiritnal wic4edne to comfort a poor foul ; Firft, perfwades the foule to fend a- way all its old Phlficians. 0, faith the foule, I have been in the hand of fuch a duty, fuch a courfe of obedience, and have thought fure now I shall be well, and have comfort now I do this duty, fee upon fuch a holy courfr. Well, faith the Spirit, if you will have me do any thing, thefe mull all be difmift in point of confidence. Now, and not till now, is the foule a fubjeft fit to receive the Spirits comforts. And therefore, friends, as you love your inward peace,beware what. veffel you draw your comfort from. Grace is finite, and fo cannot afford much. "Tis leaking, and fo cannot hold long; thou drinkcfl in a riven difh, that haft thy comfort from thy grace. 'Tis m ixt, and fo weak; and weak grace cannot give ftrong confolation and fuch thou neccieft, efpecially in thong confliets ; Nay laftly, thy comfort which thou draw. eft from it is ftollen, thou doeft not come honefily by it, and ftollen comforts will not thrive with thee. Oh, what folly is it for the childe to play the thief for that which he may have freely and more fully from his Father, whogives and reproacheth not ? that comfort which thou wouldefl filch out of thy own righteoufnefTe and duties ; behold, it is laid up for thee in Chilli, from whole fultuffe thou mayeft carry r as much as thy faith can hold, and none to check thee, yea, ti:e more thou improveft Chrifl for thy comfort, the more hear. rily welcome ; we are bid to on oar mouth w e, and he will it. CHAP.