. ! . Againfifpiritual wiekedneff e. 299 tr++,M440+Oftoftto4441+DI-1441,141.40: CHAP. XI. The third knde ofkiritual Pride, viz.. Pride of Priviledges. He third kinde ofpride, (fpiritual pfide I mean) is pride of 1 Priviledges, with which thefe wicked fpirits labour to blow up the Chriftian ; to name three, Firft, when God calls a perfon to fome eminent place, or u- feth him to do fome fpecial piece of fervice. Secondly, when God honours a Saint to fuffer for his truth is. or caufe. Thirdly, when God flowes in with more thenordinary mani- -3; feftations of his love, and fills the foule with joy and comfort. Thefe are Priviledges not equally difpenfed to all, and therefore where they are, Satan takes the advantage of aflaulting filch with' pride. SECT. t Firft, when God calls a perfon to fome eminent place, or ufeth him to do fome fpecial piece of fervice : Indeed it requires a great meafure of grace to keep the heart low, w hen the man stands high. The Apoffle (peaking how a Minifter of the Go,. fpel fbould be qualified, i Tim. 3. 6. faith, he muff not be a Novice, or a young Convert, left he fhouldbr lift up withpride, andfall into the condemnation of thedevil ; as if he had faid, this calling is honourable ; if he be not well ballaft with humility, a little guff from Satanwill tople him into this fin ; The Seventy thatChrift first fent out to preach theGofpel,and prevailed fo mi- raculoufly over Satan' even thefewhile they trod on the Serpents headihe tumid again,and had like tohave flung themwith pride, which our Saviour perceived, when they returned in triumph, and told what great miracles they had wrought,and therfore he takes q 2, them