. ......... .. .e....cliswww... ;00 Againfl wickeAneffe. them off that glorying, left it should degenerate into vain glory, Luke Jo, m and bids them t rejoyce that devils acrefubjeri to them, but ra. Cher that their names Were writ in Heaven. As if he had laid, I It is not the honour ofyour calling, and fucceffe of your Mini- fterywill Pave you ; there fhall be Tome call to the devils, who (hall then fay, Lord, Lord, in thy name we have call- out devils ; and therefore value not your felves by that, but rather evidence to your fouler that ye are of mine elect ones, which will ftand you more in flead at the great day then all this. SECT. IL. A fecond Priviledge is, when God honours a perfon to lid, ler for his truth, this is a great Privilcdge. `Unto you it is given not only to beleeve, but to (milerfor hie fake. God cloth not ufe to give worthlefs gifts to his Saints, there is Come precioufneffe in it which a carnal eye cannot fee. Faith you will fay is a great gift, but perfeverance greater, without which faith would be little worth, and perfeverance in fuffering this above both ho- nourable; This made 7ohn Careleffe. our Englifh Martyr, (who though he died not at the flake,ya in prifon forChrift,)fay,Such an honour 'tis, as Angels are not permitted to have, therefore God forgive me mine unthankfulneffc. Now when Satan can- not fcare a foul from prifon, yet therl he will labour to puffe him up in prifon ; when he cannot make him pity himfelf, then he will flatter him till he prides in himfelf ; Afflietion fromGod ex pofeth to impatience,for God to pride;and therefoTe(Citriftians) labour to forrifie your felves againfl this temptation of Satan, how Coon you may be called to fuffering work you know nor, fuck clouds oft arenot longarifing3 Now to keep thy heart hum- ble when thou art honoured to fuffer for the truth ; Confider, 3: Firft, though thou doeft not deferve thofe fufferings at mans hand, (thou mit and mayeft in than regard glory in thy inno. cency,thou fuffereft not as an evil doer) yet thou canft not but eonfeffe it is a jufl affliEtion from God in regard of fin in thee, and this methinks should keep thee humble ; the fame luffering may be Martyrdorne in regardofman, and yet a fatherly cha, Itifing . . . - .. . . .