Gurnall - BV4500 .G87 1655

AgainfilPiritual wickedneffe. 'flit-mg for fin in regard of God: none fuffered without fin but Chrift, and therefore none may glory in them but he ; Chrift- hi his own, we in his ; God forbid that I Amid glory lave in the Crofc of Chrift, Gal, 6. This kept Mr. Bradford humble in his fufferings for the truth, none more rejoyced in them and bleffed God for them,yet none more humble under them then he; and what kept him in this humble frame ? reade his godly let- ters, and you fhall finde almoft in all how he bemoans his fins, and the fins of the Proteftants under the reign of King Edward: It was time(faith he)for God to put hid rod into the Papt.ihr hands, 'e weregrorrn Jo pr(ad, formal, unfruitful, yea, to loath andde.srke the meant ofgrace,when ire enjoyed the liberty therof,and therforeGod kith brought the wheele of perfecution on u. As he look's at the honour to make him thankful, fo to finne to keep him humble: Secondly, confider who bears thee up,and carries thee through 2;. thy fufferings for Chriti : Is it thy grace or his that is fufficient for fuch a work ? thy fpirit or Chrifts, bywhich thou fpeakeft, when call'd to bear witneffe to his truth ? hew comes it to paffe thou art a fufferer,ancl not a perfecutour; a confeffour, and not a denier ; yea, betrayer ofChrift and his Gofpel ? This thou ow- eft for to God ; he is not beholden to thee, that thouwilt part with elate, credit, or life it fell for his fake. If thou hadft a thoufand lives, thou wouldeft owe them all tohim : but thou art beholden to God exceedingly, that he will call for thefe in this way, which- has fuch an honour and reward attending it. He might have fuffered thee to live in thy lulls, and at Taft to fuller the loffe of all thefe for them. 0 how many die at the Gallowes as Martyrs in the devils caufe, for felonies, rapes and murders I Or he might withdraw hisgrace, and leave thee to thy own cowardife and unbelief, and then thouwouldeft loon thew thy fell in thy colours. The ftouteft Champions for Chrift, have been taught howweak they are ifChrift fleps afide. Some that have givengreat teftimony of their faith and refolution in Chrifis caufe, even to come to near dying for his Name, as to, give themfelves to be bound to the flake, and fire to be kindled upon them, yet then their hearts have failed, as that holy man, Mr. Banbridge in our Englifh Martyrol. who thruft the faggots from him, and cried out,. / recant, .l recant ct this man, when re.. 30f