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- - - ' ' - ' 3C4 Againfi fpiritual wickedneffe. .coveries do indeed bear witneffe to the truth of thy grace, but not co the decree and meafure of it; the weak childemay be, yea, is oftner in the lap then the ffrong. Secondly, do not fo much applaud thy fell in thy prefent comfort, as labour to im- prove it for the glory of andegte, faith the 'viva to the Prophet, becaufeqhe journey it toogreat for thee.The manifeftations of Gods love are to fit us for our work. It is one thing to re. joyce in the light ofour comfort, and another to go forth in the power of the Spirit comforting us (as Giants reftefiled with this wine) to run our race of duty and obedience with more ftrength and alacrity. He fhews his pride, that 1pends his time in telling his money meetly to fee how rich he is ; but he hiswif- dom,that layes out his moneyand trades with it. The boafler of hiS comforts will lofe what he hath, when he that improves his comforts in a fuller trade of duty (hall adde more to what he bath. Thirdly, remember thou dependeft on God for the continuance of thy,comfort. They are not the fmiles thou hada yefterday can make thee joyous to day, any more then the bread thou didit then eate can mike thee ftrong without more ; thou rued&new difcoveries for new comforts : let God hide his face, and thou wilt loon lofe the fight, and forget the taffe ofwhat thou even now hadff. It is beyond our skill or pow- -er to preferve thole impreffions of joy, and comfortable appre- henfions of Gods favour on our fpirirs, which fometimes we finde ; as Gods prefence brings thole, fo when hegoes he car- ries them away with him, as the fetting-Sun cloth the day. Wewould laugh heartily at him, who when the Sun chines in at his window, fhould think by (hutting that to imprifon the Sun-beams in his chamber; and doeft thou not fbew as much folly, who thinkeft becaufe thou now haft comfort, thou there- fore (halt never be in darkneffe of Spirit more ? The believers comfort is like /huhManna : 'cis not like our ordinary bread and provifion ; we buy at market and lock up in our Cupboards where we can go to it whenwe will; no, it is rained as that was from heaven. Indeed God provided for them after this fort to humble them, Deur. 8.r 6. who fed thee in the veildernelewith manna which thy fath,rs 4new not, that he might humble thee. It was not becaufe fuch mean food, that God is laid to humble them; for it was delicious food ; therefore ca'd Angels food, Pfal.