306 In High Places, Or, that they may not, take heed thou rejeaeft not the offers he makes to foften thee. Gods hardening is .a Confequent of and a punifhment for our hardening our own hearts. 'ris malt true what Profper faith, Patel home invittre amittere temporalia , non nifi amittere ifiiritualia: A man may lofe temporals againft his will, but not fpirituals Godwill harden none, damn none againfl their will. :0111s11-1.4ED4401,14.(Dli.:14,41444.0.440+1+1,0 CHAP. XII, ,S'herretb what the Prize is, which believers wre- frle theft Principalities Pow ers,andSpi. ritual wi4ednefiesfor. In HighPlaces. SECT. I. T'Elefe words contain the Jail Branch in the defcription of our grand enemy, which have in them fame ambiguity, the t/idialive being only exprell in the Original ; cy 7 7; i/m-Kega1ots, that ss,in heavenlies;the phrafe being defedive, Our Tranflatours readit in high or heavenly placts,as if theApaffle intended to fet out the advantage of place,which this our enemy,by being above us bath of us. Indeed this way mail Interpreters go, yet fame both ancient and modern reade the words not in l-leaven- ly places, but in heavenly things, interpreting the A poffles mind to let out the matter about which, or prize for which we wre- ak wit4 Principalities and Powcrs,to be heavenly thix,gs. 'Ey ,Thic ir7r6,,,,,,v1911', (faith Oectsmenims) is as much as if the Apothe had Paid, Huai' zAn .41/tpc:,3t, a9m.' t;',-,; 4, 7 ci77 C1+ -.997; imlegiiois O'VeyW.47r4 ; We wreffle not for (mall and trivial things, but for bea: .... . . . . . . .. . . .