go3 In High Places, Or, a Chriftian, and may be a better Chrillian. It was a notable fpeech of Era/mud, iffpoken in earneft, and his wit were not too quick for his confcience ; Nghilo mails ansho opts 0. &pita- ref, pans elumbis equus graves pgrcinas: He faid he defired wealth andhonour no more then a feeble horfe doth a heavy .cloak -bag. And I think every Chriftian in his right temper would be of-his minde. Satan should do the Saint little hurt, if he did bend his forces only or chiefly againft his outward en- joyments ; alas, the Chriftian doth not value them, or himfelf by them : this wereas if one should think to hurt a man by beat- ing of hisclothes when he bath put them off, So far as the Spi- rit of grace prevails in the heart of a Saint, he bath put off the world in the defire of it, and joy in it ; fo that thefe blowes are not much felt and therefore they are his heavenly treafures, which are the bootySatan waits for. S E CT. III. rid}, the Chriflians nature is heavenly, borne from above; As Chrift is the Lord from heaven, fo all his off-fpring are hea- venly and holy:nowSatans defign is to debate and deflower this; 'tis the precious life of this new creature that he hunts for ; he bath loft that beauty of holineffe which once (hone fo glorioufly on his Angelical olture ; and now like a true Apoffare he endeavours to ruine that in the Chriftian which he bath loft himfelf. The feeds of this warre are lowen in tF,e Chriflians na- ture; you are holy, that he cannot endure ; feri facials, was Cteirarr fpeech, when to fight with the Romane Citizens, he bade his fouldiers Orike at their face, thefe Citizens (laid he) love their beauty, marre that and marre all. The foul is the face whereon Gods image is flamp't : holinefl'e is the beautyof this face, which makes us indeed like God, this Satan knowes -God loves, and the Saint is chary of; and therefore he labours to wound and disfigure this, that he may at once glory in the Chriftians fhame, and poure contempt upon God in breaking .bis image; and is it not worth engaging limbe and life in battel againft ttlis enemy, who would rob us of that which makes us like God himfelf ?Have you forgot the bloody Articles ofpeace that