in Heavenly things. 3®9 that Nahafh offered to the men of3a6e/6- gi/ead? no peace to be had, except they would let him thruft out their right eyes, and lay it for a reproach uponall /pad, which how it was en- tertained reade, r Sam 11,6. The face is not fo deformed that bath loft its eye, as the foule is that lofeth its holineffe; and no peace to be expeded at Satans hands except he may deprive us of this : Me thinks at the thought of this, the Spirit of the I Lord fhould come upon the Chriflian, and his anger fhould be kindled much more againfl this cuffed fpirit , then Saul, and the men ofIfraele was againft Nabafh Secondly, the Chriflians trade is heavenly ; the merchandize as he deals for is of the growth of that heavenly Countrey, 3. 20. Our converfation k in heaven. Every mans cony( riation is fuitable to his calling ; he whole trade lies in the earth minds earthly things : and he whole trade is heavenly follower that 'dole. Every man minder hi.: own bufineffe the Apoftle tells'' us. You may poffibly finde a Tradefman out ofhis fhop now and then, but he is as a fifh out of the water, never in his element till he be in his calling again. Thus when the Chriflian is about the world, and the worldling about heavenly matters, both are men out of theirway, not right girt, till they get into their em- ployment again. Now this heavenly trade is that which Sa- tancloth in an efpecial manner labour to flop. Could the Chris flian enjoy but a free trade with heaven a few years without mo- leflation, he would foon grow a richman, too rich indeed for earth ; but what with loffes futlained by the hands of this Py- rate Satan, and alfo the wrong he receives by the treachery of fome in his own bofome, (that like unfaithful fervants hold cor- refpondence with this robber) he is kept but low in this life, and much ofhis gaines are loft. Now the Chriflians heavenly trade lies either within doors or abroad ; he can be free in neither,Sa- tan is at his heels in both. Firft, within dooms. This I may call his home-trade which is to fpent in fecret between God andhis own foule: here the Chri- than drives an unknown trade : he is at heaven and home a. gain, richly laden in his thoughts with heavenly meditations be- fore the world knows where he bathbeen. Every creature he fees is a text for his heart to raife fome fpirituat matter and ob- fervations from : Every Sermon he heares cuts himout work R r 3 to