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312 In High Places, Or, miferable, when others think him and the devil tells him, he is fuch. This, this torments the very foule of the devil, to fee the Chriftianunder faile for heaven, fill'd with the tweet hope of his joyful entertainment when he comes there, and therefore he raifeth what ftormes and tempefts he can, either to hinder his arrival in that bleffed Port, (which he molt defires, and doth not wholly defpairof) or at leaft to make it a troublefome wintervoyage, (Inch as Paula was, in which they fuffered fo much loffe,) and this indeedvery often he obtains in fuck a de- gree, that by his violent impetuous temptations beating longup- on the Chriftian, he makes him throw over much precious la- dingof his joyes and comforts ; yea, fometimes he brings the foul through ftrefre oftemptation to think of quitting the fhip, while for the prefent all hope of being laved teems to be taken away. Thus you fee what wewreftle with devils for. We come to e.4pplication. .41140., SECT. IV. Vfc r. This is aword of reproof to foure forts of perfons. r. . Firft, to thole that are fo far from wreftling againft Satan for this heavenly prize, that they refift the offer of it. In Read of taking heaven by force, they keep it offby force. How long bath the Lord been crying in our fireets Repent, for the Kingdome of Maven at hand? how longhave dofpel-offers rung in our ears? and yet to this day many devil-deluded (bilks furioufly drive on towards hell, and will not be perfwaded back, who refute to be called the children of God, and choofe rather the devils bond- age then the glorious libertywith which Chrift would make them free, efteeming the pleafures of fin for a feafon greater treafures then the riches of heaven. 'Tis ftoried olCaro(who was Ca'ars bitter enemy) that when he Paw Cafar prevail, ra- ther then fall intohis hand and stand to his mercy, he laid vio- lent hands on himfelf, which ('afar hearing of, paffionately broke out into thefe words, 0 Cato, cur invidifii mihi fa/mem twm? 0 Cato, why didft thou envie me the hononr of laving thy life ? And do not many walk as if they grudged Chrift the onour of faving their foules? what other account can you give