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3,4 In High Places, Or, Thirdly, it reproves the woful negligence molt thew in la- bouring for this heavenly prize. None but would be glad their fouls might be raved at laft, but where is the man or woman that makes it appear by their vigourous endeavour that they mean in carneff ? what warlike preparation do they make a- gainft Satan, (who lies between them and home?) where are their armes, where their skill to ufe them, their rtfolution to ftand to them, and confcionable care to exercife themfelves dai- ly in the ufe of them ? Alas, this is a rarity indeed, not to be found in every houfe, where the Profeffion ofReligion is hang'd out at thedoor ' if woulding and wifhing will bring them to heaven, then they may come thither; but as for this wreftling and fighting, this making Religion our bufineffe, they are as far from thefe as at Nil they are like to be from heaven,They are of his minde in Tug!, who in a Summers day, as he lay lazing himfelf on -the grafTe, would fay, 0minam hoc effet laborare 0 thatthis were to work, that I could lie here and do my day- labour! 1 hus many melt and wafte their lives in (loth, and fay in their hearts, 0 that this were the way to heaven! but will ufe no means to furnifh themfelveswith grace for fuch an enter- prife ; I have read of a great Prince in Germany, invaded by a more potent enemy then himfelf, yet from his friends and Allies, (who fiock't in to his help) he loon had a goodly Army, but hadnomoney (as he laid) to pay them, but the truth is, he was loath to part with it, for which fame indifcontent went away, o- thers did not vigouroufly attend his bufineffe, and fo he was foon beaten out of his Kingdome ; andhis coffers(when his Pa- lace was rifled) were found thrack't with treafure. Thus he was ruined, as fame lick men die, becaufe unwilling to be at colt topay the PhIfician. It will adds to the mifery of damn- ed foules, when they (hall have leifure enough to confider what they have loft in lofingGod, to remember what means, offers and talents they once had, towardsthe obtaining ofeverlafting life, but had not a heart to ufe them. Fourthly, it reproves thole who make a great bufle and noire inReligion, who are forward in Profefflon, very bufie to med- dle with the ftrideft duties, as if heaven had monopolized their whole hearts ; but like the Eagle, when they tower higheft, their prey is below where their eye is alio. Such a generation there.