in Heavenly things. 315 there ever was and will be, that mingle themfelves with the Saints ofGod, who pretend heaven, and have their outward garb faced and fringed (as it were) with heavenly fpeeches and duties, while their hearts are lined with hypocrite, whereby they deceive others, but molt of all themfelves ; fuch may be the worlds Saints, but devils in Chrifls account. Have not 1 cholen twelve, one ofyou h a devil? And truly of all devils none fo bad as the profeffing devil, the preaching, praying devil. 0 Sirs, be plainhearted; Religion is as tender as your eye, it will not be jetted with ; Remember the vengeance which fell on Bel- fhaztar, whilehe carowfed in the bowies of the San6tuary. Re- ligion and the duties of it are confecrated things, not made for thee to drink thy lulls outof.God, bath remarkably appeared in difcovering and confounding fuch as have proflituted tarred things to worldly ends. 7czabel falls and prayer thebetter, to devoure Nabothl vineyard, but was devoured by it. Abfalom was as tick till he had ravillft his fathers Crown, as his brother Amnon till he had done the like to his lifter, and to hide his trea- ion he puts on a religious cloak, and therefore begs leave to go and pay his vow in Hebron, when he had another game in chafe, and did he not fall by the hand of his hypocrite ? of all men their judgement is endorft with molt (peed, who filver over worldly or wicked enterprifes with heavenly femblances , of this gang were thofe, 2Pet. z. 3. concerning whom the Apoftle faith, Their damnation (lumbers not; and thofe . Ez4 14. 7, 8. to whomGod faith, I the Lord will anfwer him by my felfe, and I will fet my face againft that man, and will make him five, and a Proverb, and Iwill cut him offrom the midst of my people, and ye (hall know that lam the Lord. Secondly, try whether they be heavenly things or earthly Vfe. thou chiefly purfueft ; certainly friends, we need not be fo igno- rant ofour foules Hate and affairs ; did we oftner converfe with our thoughts; and obferve the haunts ofour hearts, we loon can tell what difh pleafeth our palate belt and may you not tell whether heaven or earth be the molt favoury meat to your fouls? and if you fhould ask how you might know whether heaven be the prize you chiefly defire, I would put you only upon this double trial. Firft, art thou uniforme in thy purfuit? Doeft thou contend S f 2 for