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3 1 6 In High Places, Or, _ for heaven, and that which leads to heaven alto? Earthly things God is pleated to retaile ; all have fome, none have all; but in heavenly treafure he will not break the whole piece, and cut it into remnants. If thou wilt have heaven, thou muff have Chrift ; ifChrift, thoumuff like his fervice as well as his facri- fice; no holineffe, no happineffe. ,If God would cut off fo much as would ferve mens curries, he might have cuftomers enough. Balaarn himfelf likes one end of the piece, he would die like a righteotmman, though live like a wizzard as he was; no, God ix ill not deal with filch pedlingMerchants; that man alone is for God, and God for him, who will come roundly up to Gods of- fer, and take all off his hands. One fitly compares holineffe and happineffe to thole two fillets, Leah and Rachel. Happineffe like Raeheifeems the fairer,: (even a carnal heart may fall in love with that,) but holineffe like Leah is the elder and beautiful alfo, though in this life it appears with fome difad vantage, her eyes being blear'd with teares of repentance, and her face fur- rowed with the works of mortification ; but this is the L4IV that heavenly countrey, that the younger Sitter mull not be be flowed before the elder. We cannot enjoy faire Rachel, Hea- ven and Happineffe, except fiat we embrace tenderaeyed Leah; Holineffe with all her fevere duties of repentance and mortifi; cation. Now Sirs, how like you this method ? Art thou' con- tent to marry Chrift and his grace, and then (ferving a hard Apa prenricefhip in temptations both of profperity and adverficy, enduring the heat of the one, and the cold of the other) to wait till at IA the other be given into thy bofome? Secondly, if indeed heaven and heavenly things be the prize thou wrcftleft for, thou wilt difcover a heavenly deportment of heart, even in earthly thing,; whereever you meet a Chrifhan, he is going toHeaven ; Heaven is at the bottome of his loweft aftions Now obferve thy heart in three particulars ; In get- ting, in ufing, and in keeping earthly things, whether it be after a heavenly manner. Fifa, Insetting earthly things. If Heaven be thy chief prize, then thou wilt be ruled by a heavenly Law in the gathering :o'f thee, Take a carnal wretch, and what his'heart is fet on, he will have, though it be by hooa or crook. A lie fits Geha.zi's, mouth well enough, fo he may fill his pockets by it. 7ezabel dares,