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in Heavenly things. 317 dares mock God, and murder an innocent man for an acre or two of ground. Ablalcm regnandi caufa what will he not do ? Gods fence is too low to keep a graceleffe hesrt inbounds,when the game is before him ; but a foule that bath heaven in its eye .3 is ruled by heavens law : he dares not flep out of heavens road to take up a crown, as we fee in 'David, carriage towards, Saul. Indeed in fo doing he fhould croffe himfelf in his own grand de- fign, which is the glory ofGod, and the happineffeofhis own foul in enjoing of him ; upon thefe very termes the fervants of God have refilled to be rich and great in the world, when ei - cher of thefe lay at flake ; Moles threw his Court -preferment at his heels, reft4fng to be call'd the fops of Pharaohs daughter. Abraham learned to be made rich by the King of Sodcm, Gen. 14. 22. that he might avoid the fufpicion ot covetoulneffe and leif-feek'ng ; it (hail not be laid another day that he came to en- rich hirnIelf with the fpoil, more then to refeue his kinfmen./Ve- hernial) would not take the taxe and tribute to maintain his flare, when he knew they were a poor peeled people, iecauje of the fear, of tho Lord. Doeft thou walk by this rule ? wouldell thou gather no ,more eflate or honour then thou maycft have with Gods leave, and will ftand with thy hopes of heaven ? Secondly, doeft thou chlcover a heavenly Spirit in uling thefe things. Firfl, the Saint improves his earthly things for an heavenly end, where layeft thou up thy treafure ? doeft thou beflow it on thy voluptuous paunch, thy hawks and thy hounds, or lockeft thou it up in the bofome of Chrifts poor members ? what ufe makeft thou of thy honour and greatneffe, to flrengt'nen the hands of the godly or the wicked ? and fo of all thy other tem- poral enjoyments; A gracious heart improves them for God; when a Saint prayes for thefe things, he bath an eye to fome heavenly end. If David prayes for life,it is not that he may live, but live andpraile god, Pfal. 119 175. When he was driven from his regal throne by the rebellious armes of Abfalom ; fee , what his defire was and hope, 2 Sam. 15.25. The King laid toZadock, Carry backthe Arkof God into the City: if !hallfinde favour in the eye ofthe Lord, he raillkingme again, and 'hero me both it and In habitation. Mark, not fhevv me my Croon ,my Pit. a lace, but the e/irk, the lloufe of God. S f 3 Se-