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320 InHigh Places, Or, life,) rather then fell an acre or two of land which was his birth., right. The Chriftian will expofe all he bath in this wotld to prefervehis hopes for another : larch in his march towards B- fam, fent his fervants with his flocks before,and came himiell with his wives behinde; if he can fave any thingfrom his brothers rage, it fhall be what he loves belt : If the Chriffian can fave any thing, it {hall be his foule, his intereft in Chrift and Heaven, and then no matter if the reft go, even then he can fay, not as Gen. Efaa to Jacob, I have 21 a great deal, but as Jacob to him '5 . 3-3 I have all) all I want all I defire, as David expreffeth it ; Tht is all my falvation. nall/mydeflre, 2 Sam. 23. 5, Now try, whether thy heart beluned to this note, does heaven give law to thy earthly enjoyments ? wouldeft thou not keep thy honour, eftate, no, not life it felfe to prejudice thy heavenly nature and hopes ? which wouldefl thou choofe, if thou couldeft not keep both, a whole skin, or a found confcience ? It was a ftrange an- fwer, if true, which the Hiftorian faith Henry the fifth gave to his Father, who had ufurped the crown, and now dying fent for this his Ett s fon, to whom he faid,Fair Son,take the crown,(which flood on his pillow by his head) but God knowes how I came by it : to whom be anfwered , I care not how you came by it; now I have it, I will keep it as long as my fword can defend ir. He that keeps earth by wrong, cannot weft hea.; yen by right.