Pin in Heavenly things. 04444.7:047.004+N44,444t.;44414:0:$101r.t. CHAP. XIII. An Exhortation to thepurfuit of heaven and hea- venly things. 3 2 I orHirdly, Is it heaven and all that is heavenly that Satan leeks vr, 1 to hinder us of ? let this provoke us the more earnettly to '1" ' contend for them. Had we to do with an enemy that came on- ly to plunder us of earthly trifles, would honours, elates, and what this world affords us flayhis flomack, it might fuller a de- bate (in a foule that bath hopes o f heaven,) whether it were worth fighting to keep this lumber : but Chrifl and heaven, thefe Pure are too precious to part withal upon any termes. t,ilk the Kingdomfor him alto, faid Solomon to Bach-fh4a, when the begg'd e.irbijbag for adonijah. What can the devil leave thee worth ifhe deprive thee of thefe ? and yet I confeffe I have heard ofone, that wished God would let him alone, and not take him fromwhat he had here : Vile Brute I the voice of a fwine and not a man, that could chufe to wallow in the dung and ordure of his carnal pleafures, and with himfelf for ever {hut up with his fwill in the hogs coat of this dunghill earth, ra- ther then leave thefe to dwell in Heavens Palace, and be admit- ted tono meaner pleafures,then what God himfelf withhis Saints enjoy. It were even jolt if God gave fuch brutes as thefe a fwines face to their twinifh hearts : But alas, how few then should wemeet that would have the countenance ofa man ? the great& part of the world (even all that are carnal and worldly,) beingof the fame minde, though nct fo impudent as that wretch, to (peak what they think. The lives of men tell 'plain enough that they fay in their hearts, it is good being here, that they with they could buildTabernacles on earth for all the man- lions that are prepared in heaven. The tranfgreition of the wicked faid in Davids heart, that the feare of God was not before I t them,