3 2.2 In High Places, Or, them, Pfal 36.t.an1 may no: the wocicIlineffe of a muck -worryt fay in the heart of any rational man, that heaven and heavenly excellencies are not before their eyes or thoughts? 0 what a deep filence is there concerning thefe in the converfations of men 1 Heaven is Inch a ftranger to the molt, chat very few are heard to enquire theway thither, or fo much as ask the quefli- ! on in earneft, what they thall do to be Caved. The molt ex- prefie no more defiresof attaining heaven, then thofe bluffed fouls now in heaven do ofcoming again todwell on earth ; A- las, their heads are full of other projects, they are either as 11- rad, fcatter'd over the face ofthe earth to gather Draw, or bu- tied in picking that ftraw they have gathered, labouring to get the world. or pleating chemfelves withwhat they, have got. So that it is no more then needs to ufe Lome arguments to call men off the world, to the purfuit of heaven, andwhat is heavenly. ze Firft, for earthly things, it is not necefrary that thou haft them ; that is neceffary which cannot be fupplied per vicarston, with tomewhat betides it felf. Now there is no Inch earthly enjoyment, but may be fo fupplied, as to make its room more defirable then its company. In Heaven there (hall' be lightand no Sun, a rich feaft and yet no meat, glorious robes andyet no cloathes, there (hall want nothing, and yet none of this worldly glory be found there ; yea, even while we are here, they may 1, be reconvened ; thou maeeft be under infirmities of body, and yet better then if thou hadahealth The Inhabitant fhall not fay, ainjl k: the people that dwell therin fhallbe ,forgiven their 1Ia. 33. 3.4 Thou mayeft mitre of worldly honour, and obtain with thole Worthies of Chrift, He6. Ir. a good report by faith, and that is. a name better then of t he great ones of the- earth : thou niayett be poor.in the world, and yet rich in grace,.. and Godii,ele with content is great game. Ina word, if thou parcAl with thy temporal life, and findeft an eternal, what do'eft thou lofe by the change ? but heaven and heavenly things are fuch as cannot be recompenced with any other. Thou haft a heavenly foul iathy boforne, lofe that, and where canft thou haveanother ? There is but one heaven, miffe thar,.and where can you take up your lodging but in hell ? One Chrift that can toad you thither,,rejed him, and there remains no more facriflce;, for . .. ........ . .. .. ..