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in Heavenly things. 323 for finne. 0 that men would think on thefe things Go firmer to the world, and fee what it can afford you in lieu of thefe ; may be it will offer toentertain you with its pleafures and de- lights; 0 poor reward for the Joffe of Chrift and heaven ! Is this all thou canft get ? cloth Satan rob thee of heaven and hap- pineffe, and only give thee this pofie to fmell on as thou art go- ing to thy execution ? will thefe quench ht11fire, or fo much as cool thofe flames thou art falling into ? who but thofe that have foredone their underflandings, would take thefe toyes and new nothings for Chrift and heaven ? while Satan is pleafing your fancies with thefe rattles and bables, his band is in your treafure, robbing you of that which is only rereffiry ; 'Tis more neceffary to be laved then to be ; better not to be then to have a being in bell. Secondly, earthly things are Inch, as it is a great uncertainty, 2. whether with all our labour we can have them or not. The world,though fo many thouiand years old, bath not learn't the Merchant filch a method of trading,as that from it he may infal- libly conclude he ibail at fail get an&ate by his trade nor the Courtier fuch rules ofcomporting himfelf tothe humour ofhis Prince, as to afire him he (hall rife. They are but few that carry away the prize in theworlds lottery, the greater number have only their labour for their paines, and a forrowful remem- brance left them of their egregious folly, tobe led fuch a wilde goofe chafe after that, which bath deceived them at Taft. But now for heaven and the things of heaven, there is fuch a clear and certain rule laid down, that if we will but take the counfel of the Word, we can neither miftake theway, nor in that way mifcarry of the end. e4s many as vatkby tbi.r rttle,pe ace heupon them, and the Whole lirael ofGod. There are fame indeed whorun, and yet obtain not this prize,that leek & find not;knock and find the door (hut upon them but it is, becaufe they do it either not in the right manner, or in the right feafon.Some wouldhave flea- ven, but if God fave them he muff lave their fins alto, for theydo not mean to part with them; and how heaven can bold Godand fuch company together judge you;As they come in at onedoor, aria and all thofe holy fpirits with him would run out at the o- ther.Ungratful wretches,thatwill not come to this glorious feaft, unleffe they maybring that with them, which woulddifturb rhe T t 2 joy