in Heavenly things. 325 Word, where thou mayeft have thy foule and its eternal happi - neffe enfured to thee : Thofe that come to him, as he will himfell in no wife caft away, fo not fuffer any other to pluck them away. Thu cla) (faith Chrift to Zacchens ) falvation is come to thy bottle, Luke 19. 9. Salvation comes to thee (poorc foul) that openeft thy heart to receive Ch rift, thou haft eternal life already, as Pure as if thou wert a glorified Saint, now walk- ing in that heavenly City. 0 Sirs, if there were a free trade ; proclaimed to the Indies, enough gold for all that went, and a certainty, of making a afe voyage, who would ftay at home?, But alas, this can never be had : all this and infinitely more may be laid for heaven ; and yet how few leave their uncer- tainhopes ofthe world to trade for it t what account can be gi- given for this, but the delperate atheifme ofmens hearts ? they are not yet fully perfwaded whether the Scripture fpeaks true or not, whether they may relic upon the difcovery that God.;; makes in hisWord of this new-found land, and thofe mines of fpiritual treafure, there to be had ascertain. God open the eyes of the unbelievingworld, (as he did theProphets fervants,) that they may fee thefe things tobe realities and not Htions ; 'cis faith only that gives a being to thefe things in our hearts. By faith Moles law him that was invifible. Thirdly, earthly things when we have them,we are not Pure of them; like birds, they hop up and down, now on this hedge and anon upon that, none can call them his own: rich to day, and poor to morrow : In health whenwe lie down, and arreft- ed with pangs of death before midnight : Joyful Parents , one while folacing our felves with the hopesof our budding po- flerity, and may be ere long knocks one of lobs meffengers at our door to tell us they are all dead; now in honour, but who knows whether we than not live to fee that buried in fcorn and reproach ? The Scripture compares the multitude of people to waters, the great onesof the world fit upon thefewaters;. as the Chip fioates upon the waves, fo do their honours upon the breath and favour of the multitude ; and how long is he like to fit that is carried upon a wave ? one while they are mounted up to heaven, (as David fpeaksbl theThip) and then down again they fall into the deep. We have ten parts in the King, (fay the men of /fraeg a Sam, 19, 4,3. and in the very next verfes T t 3 Sheba,